the errors are ?Other devices
?!Ethernet Controller
?!Multimedia Audio Controller
Gateway doesn't have the info except that Gateway itself is the motherboad manufacturer. The tech couldn't find anything for me except drives that are no longer there. She was...
some of these things don't work because I can't connect to the internet but every scan so far comes up with no drivers & no ifo like manufacters for the device. Some people have said I would have uninstall the actual ethernet adapter then install the driver once I find it. If this was a desktop...
I have a working desktop & a PClinq cable to transfer downloads. I ran Advisor but I'm not real sure what part I am looking for. Gateway tech said the motherboard manufacter but I can't see that.
Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (build 2600) Gateway 6525GP 3401701
System Serial Number...
I have a Gateway notebook 6252GP. I needed to reinstall XP PRO now I am missing ethernet,multimedia audio & PCI modem drivers. Gateway no longer has the drivers I need & I can't find out who the manufactures are without taking my notebook apart. The part numbers won't even show search results...
I have basically the same problems-no Ethernet,multimeda audio & some PCI controllers-the drivers won't reinstall. I have a Gateway 6525GP that I also got at BestBuy. Gateway doesn't have the drivers & I'm not sure who the manufactuer is. I don't want to take my laptop apart. How do I know what...
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