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Search results for query: *

  1. Skeptik


    Hey... i need a little help here!! Can anyone tell me which is the location of the following file: Msnp32.dll I'd apreciate any help from anyone whith this!! it's a little urgent! Thanks!!! :)
  2. Skeptik

    Finding records in a recordset

    Hi again!! i tried to simulate the conditions and i couldn't make a successful record navigation! However, while i try to find a solution you could use a query to find the records! build up a query with all the fields of the table! then put a listbox on the form based on the query you created...
  3. Skeptik

    Finding records in a recordset

    Hi again!! try this: Dim rst As Recordset Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("ClientInfo",dbopendynaset) Dim MyValue As Date MyValue = txtDate On Error Resume Next rst.findfirst "[DOB] = " & MyValue If rst.nomatch Then MsgBox "No record for that patient&quot...
  4. Skeptik

    Finding records in a recordset

    Hi again!! judging by the code you have, the fact of existing more than one DOB shouldn't be a problem, because it would stop at the first recor found with the same DOB! did you check the fields data tpye? by the way... what makes you think that the record is found?! try something... remove the...
  5. Skeptik

    Finding records in a recordset

    Hi! what 930driver said is correct! also, if th [DBO] field is a date you will have to set the field txtClientSrch as a date too, and set the variable MyValue as a date also! if you don't set the variable and the fields for the same type of data this won't work! if they are all defined as text...
  6. Skeptik

    project or library not found

    Hi Russ! this should work but there is one thing!! in your first thread you only said wich version of windows you have!! However, what DJN told you to do is only if the MS-Office version is different! However, judging by the error it gave you, if you do what DJN told you to do, the problem will...
  7. Skeptik

    Activate a subform using a field

    Hi! put this in the AfterUpdate Event of the txtbox! if not isnull(me.A) then [subformname].visible=true else [subformname].visible=false end if hope it works! Skep :)
  8. Skeptik

    Why doesn't this work?!? (Visible property)

    Hi! you can do like jebry said, or you can also open the form trough a macro and set the macro to open the form invisible! Good luck! Skep :)
  9. Skeptik

    Why an extra record???

    Hi! try this! For liLoop = 1 To lstAllProduct.ListCount do next liloop Skep :)
  10. Skeptik

    Subform disable return text

    Hi! your sintax is wrong! try this: [Forms]![frmOrder]![Child58].enabled = false Skep :)
  11. Skeptik

    "Save" confirmation message that appers when a close button is clicked

    Hi! try this in the command button code: If MsgBox("salvar?", vbYesNoCancel, "Save?") = vbNo Then DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, acUndo, , acMenuVer70 Else If MsgBox("salvar?", vbYesNoCancel, "Save?") = vbcancel Then exit sub End If End...
  12. Skeptik

    How to Dim a Querydef or Database

    Hi! try this: Dim dbsNorthwind As dao.Database Dim qdfTemp As dao.QueryDef Dim qdfNew As dao.QueryDef this should do the trick! hope it works! Skep :)
  13. Skeptik

    Dynamic reference

    Hi! i don't have a code sample for that purpose, and right now i'm not in the mood for that either, but instead of doing that why don't you create another command button and set the code for one of them, leaving the other button with the code to print in the other printer! like that you'll have...
  14. Skeptik

    Syntax Error

    Hi! i'm not sure about this, but try this: stLinkCriteria = ("[EmployeeName]='" & Me![List10]& "'") i think he's getting confused due to the 2 equal signs! instead of using the stlinkcriteria why don't you try to just insert the code in the expression, like this...
  15. Skeptik

    Syntax Error

    i think the right syntax is: stLinkCriteria = "[EmployeeName]='" & Me![List10]& "'" hope it works! Skep :)
  16. Skeptik

    Problem with List box

    try putting the code on the OnOpen Event! i believe that the function is only counting when you click on the lstbox! also, try to put a "." instead of a "!", like this: Me.lstAllProduct.ListCount do the same thing for the rest of the xclamation points! hope it...
  17. Skeptik

    Close a form from the LostFocus event?

    Hi! if you have a command button you can close the form! just create a command button and use the wizard for form operations! you can write the code yourself too! use the OnClick Event and type the following code: docmd.close i hope it helps! Skep :)
  18. Skeptik

    Date value

    Hi mflower! are you sure that you are putting the code in the right event? you have to put that piece of code in the form event "On Current"! xcept for the quotes i can't see nothing unusual in the code so, it should be that! Good luck! Skep :)
  19. Skeptik

    Hello, The following codes are n

    dear Jeannia, you'll have to find where the file dao360.dll is located and then go to the tools menu in the vba editor! select references and then click browse, and then go get the dao360.dll file where he is! however when you qualify the recerdset and database you must put the prefix...
  20. Skeptik

    Too few parameters - run time error in recordset

    Set rst = DBS.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM PlTest WHERE IATACode = " & "Desi", dbOpenSnapshot) or try this Set rst = DBS.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM PlTest WHERE IATACode = '" & "Desi" & "'", dbOpenSnapshot)

Part and Inventory Search
