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Search results for query: *

  1. Pugman

    Copy partial row to new sheet if cell not empty.

    Thanks SkipVought, I tried and tried, but being a complete noob to PivotTable was my problem. I got close, but no joy. I did find a macro that came close enough to what I needed. I'll post it in case you're interested. Sub NormalizeData() Dim Rng As Range Dim WS As Worksheet On Error Resume...
  2. Pugman

    Copy partial row to new sheet if cell not empty.

    I'm not exactly new to macros, but this problem has me stumped. I have a file with Company, Country and numerous Employee columns. There are 1 to 50 employees per row. I need to copy the Company, Country and one unique Employee at a time to a new worksheet. The following picture should help in...
  3. Pugman

    SQL query on 3 tables works, 5 tables doesn't work

    That's it. Thank you so much. If I had known about the Access requirement or used SQL Server, I may have figured this out on my own. I tried a lot of subqueries in my attempts but, of course, didn't get anywhere because of Access. Thanks again for everything including clueing me in to the index...
  4. Pugman

    SQL query on 3 tables works, 5 tables doesn't work

    I tried it and get this error: Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'myOrderedItems.OrderNumber = myOrders.OrderNumber INNER JOIN myProducts ON myProducts.ItemID = myOrderedItems.CrtItemID'. The error occurred in 23 : WHERE myOrders.DateOfOrder 24 : BETWEEN...
  5. Pugman

    SQL query on 3 tables works, 5 tables doesn't work

    Sadly, I had to lookup "index searches" to see what you are talking about. I found a lot of discussion about which is quicker - table or index scans - with a lot of varying opinions. It seems to really depend on a lot of factors which I'm sure you are aware of. Creating indexes will be...
  6. Pugman

    SQL query on 3 tables works, 5 tables doesn't work

    Hi r937, That's a good question. My best answer would be to provide maximum flexibility to the customer while keeping the "live" tables smaller and faster. The customer may want a Products Sold report for a 1 or 3 or 5 year period. I'm trying to cover any scenario. I'm thinking now of copying...
  7. Pugman

    SQL query on 3 tables works, 5 tables doesn't work

    I'm new to complex SQL queries and I've been asked to create a reporting solution to an existing store. I started with 3 tables (myOrders, myOrderedItems and myProducts) to keep it simple. The code below works great for what I wanted to do: <cfquery name="qryMakeReport" datasource="#dsn#">...
  8. Pugman

    Create reports from delimited DB fields

    r937 Thank you very much.
  9. Pugman

    Create reports from delimited DB fields

    Thanks r937 I was afraid of that. I used the table design that came with CFShopKart Lite. I can change the table. What's the best way to re-design it? I know I'm asking alot, but any help or pointers would be great.
  10. Pugman

    Create reports from delimited DB fields

    Years ago I created a webstore for one of my company's customers using CFShopKartLite. It's been working great, but now they want reporting (i.e. How many products sold?). The CFShopKartLite application inputs the shopping cart contents to 3 fields (CrtProductID, CrtProductName...
  11. Pugman

    Excel Find &amp; Replace Last n Characters in a Cell

    That was it! Thank you Skip. I really appreciate all the help.
  12. Pugman

    Excel Find &amp; Replace Last n Characters in a Cell

    Here it is. I think it's all your code, meaning I didn't mess with it. Sub CleanMyAbbrev() Dim r As Range, rAbbrev As Range For Each rAbbrev In [CapAbbrev] Columns("N:N").Replace What:=" " & rAbbrev & " ", Replacement:=" " & UCase(rAbbrev) & " ", LookAt:=xlPart, _...
  13. Pugman

    Excel Find &amp; Replace Last n Characters in a Cell

    Please remember I'm new at this. Debugging isn't something I've used yet. After clciking on Debug, do I hover the cursor over it? If I hover the cursor over rAbbrev it pops up with "rAbbrev = Nothing". If this how to do it then r.Value doesn't pop up anything. I added a Watch to that line and...
  14. Pugman

    Excel Find &amp; Replace Last n Characters in a Cell

    Sorry Skip, I now get a "type mismatch" error on the following: If r.Value <> "" Then
  15. Pugman

    Excel Find &amp; Replace Last n Characters in a Cell

    Hi Bong, Your new code still didn't do it. It runs without errors but nothing is replaced.
  16. Pugman

    Excel Find &amp; Replace Last n Characters in a Cell

    Hi Skip, Now I get a "type mismatch" error on the following line: If Right(r.Value, 3) = " " & rAbbrev Then
  17. Pugman

    Excel Find &amp; Replace Last n Characters in a Cell

    Hi Danp129, thanks for your response. Your code didn't produce any errors but it didn't change anything. Skip, I've been trying to get yours to work because I didn't want to have to come back and ask "How do you make the table?". I tried Data -> Table with the text you gave and all I get is a...
  18. Pugman

    Excel Find &amp; Replace Last n Characters in a Cell

    Thanks, but no luck yet. smherron, I already have a replace for " Se " because some addresses are like 127 Se Pkwy. With the spaces around Se it works great. Bong, I copied and pasted your macro and ran it. It didn't change anything but it also didn't give me an error. Any other ideas?
  19. Pugman

    Excel Find &amp; Replace Last n Characters in a Cell

    Brand new to VBA. I've been asked to develop macros to clean up Excel's PROPER function on mailing lists. I'm almost done but I'm stuck on how to tell Excel to replace the last 3 characters only of the following street address: 400 W Selby Ave Se 'The Se at the end should be SE My code (from...
  20. Pugman

    Default printer settings not avaliable at the workstation.

    Well, there must be some other issue because I just double-checked by creating a couple of forms on the 2003 server. They were instantly available on my client PC. My client PC is running Windows XP SP1. I'll investigate further. -pugman

Part and Inventory Search
