I have a question...I have previously been using photoshop CS3, but now use Photoshop CS3 Extended...but for pictures I cannot use my mouse wheel to zoom in/ zoom out...is there a way I can set it up so I can do it with my mouse wheel? Before, CS3 did it automatically...but Extended...
I"m sorry...but i'm a noob and i dont have an instruction manual for Photoshop. But one more thing...for TEXT when you do the CLT- T thing to highlight a layer, for text can you do perspective changes to it...cause I can't seem to be able to. Thank you again.
sorry...i have one more question. I got a book using CS2, but I don't know where the section is. Do you know off hand how do set a background picture...delete say a person in the background pic, but somehow retain the background without any holes in it? Basically how do you erase something from...
I have recently obtained a copy of the new Adobe Photoshop CS3 version. Although I can save a photo, in which I have done graphics to, I CANNOT save a photo that has a background and another layer on it. Can someone please tell me why this is so and can someone please help me? THanks
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