I tried everything listed above. The only thing that worked for me was a Level 2 reset which wiped out everytning. I then reinstalled as NVM as primary UI. I had all feature codes at that point. It was a small system. I made changed before i did the level 2 reset and everything looked like it...
Thanks i will try that tommorrow i will let everyone know. I will pay you folks a compliment to say that my companys tech support was not as helpful as you folks been.
What would be that procedure? Everything i read seems to be for a standalone Call Pilot. For example under operator settings you should see reinstall. I do not. I have no other feature then F981. Thanks for your help
I have tried F9*1 and it gives me something funky like modem number. I figured possibly that the featured codes need to be defined but i do not have that as a option at this time. The only feature code that works is feature 981 it seems.
I have problems with feature codes Feature 980,982,983,984,985, and 986. My guess is call pilot was configured as primary interface on orginal install. Is there a way i can place primary interface back to NVM? I have tried doing it but seems to stay call pilot even though it shows NVM.
I have a BCM50 i just installed to a police dept. My problem is i set my doorphone to ring a extension which appears on all phones as a answer dn. The doorphone seems to follow all foward no answer settings on all phones. My assumption is because it is ringing at the set it try,s to follow set...
Thanks just doesnt seem to work i have activated in COS but i have not actually pumped any POTS lines in. I just went off hook and pressed Feature 989. Just hangs up. My assumption is i need a actual coversation?
I have a BCM 50 that was recently installed. The customer complains that Feature 980 through Feature 987 does not work. Everytime i press Feture 985 i get Mbox. I tried changing primary UI to NVM and rebooted but no changes. Any ideas?
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