One last request you indicate that this call goes across a T-1 from Cisco to the CS1000 where it then goes to the PSTN (Carrier) can I get the dchannel trace for both the Tie line between the Cisco and CS100 and the carrier T-1 the call goes out on sorry for all the traces but I think this will...
Can you activate both the incoming and outgoing dchannel messages you only have the incoming turned on in these traces. The command is the same just need to activate ENL MSGI XX (XX being the dchannel number) and ENL MSGO XX thanks.
When any 11xx series phone boots up if a provisioning server IP address i.e. tftp server is assigned the phone will reach out to that server for 2 files the 11xx.cfg and the system.prv files. If a provisioning server is not specified it will use the default files on the phone itself. Also that...
I have copied a working .prv file below I hope this helps as far as the format goes. Also it does need to be a TFTP server not an FTP.
# Options
s1ip=; # Primary server IP address
p1=4100; # Primary server port number
Yes I would set them all to match this may not fix the issue but is much cleaner. Also you may want to look at the FRL on the routes as the NCOS needs to match or exceed the FRL on the route.
I would say there are 2 options at this point if you have access to another CPMGS you could try to put the hard drive on another card and see if it will boot up. I am not sure you would be able to repair the files but also notice there are bus errors in the message so that's why trying another...
Does the MGC part of the card work is it registering? It sounds like a bad hard drive on the card to me. You could try to reload software and do a restore if you have a good backup but I would have a hard drive handy as it sounds more like the issue.
The script looks ok I assume you have an access DN of 19240 that points to that announcement. If you need to de-aquire the ports you can go into load 48 and run the DACR ALL prompt on the 2 Links to take down all the ports referenced by both callpilot and AACC and reboot in the proper order.
Sound files must be mono 8-bit or 16-bit files in WAV format, with a sampling frequency
rate of 11 kHz, 22.05 kHz, or 44.1 kHz. Also you may have to reboot both the AACC and Callpilot and in the proper order.
Take both down and then boot up the AACC to come up first completely and the boot the...
I would assume you would need to program ACCESS ports in the Callpilot for the AACC Callpilot integration. If you are replacing the Callpilot that programming should still exist in the switch so it would be a matter of configuring ACCESS channels in the Callpilot.
You need to verify you have the latest manager PEP loaded as it will end in a C such as the one I listed here as an example. CP500S05G16C It will only install the manager as it is also the reporter but will not allow you to install reporter on the callpilot server.
What release is the system and what kind of CPU is it? If you have PDT access you can look at the debug log it does not get erased after a reboot. If you have a separate signaling server you could look at those logs as well.
Is the system using FIJI (i.e. fiber connections to the groups) or the old IGS? Normally call clipping on a circuit would have something to do with timing so definitely look at the clocking to make sure you are not having issues there.
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