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Search results for query: *

  1. shop73

    How to filter data (PHP)

    SELECT cities.cityName, cities.cityID, images.imagePath, images.imageName, cities.description, photographers.photographerName, years.yearName FROM photographers, years, product LEFT JOIN images ON cities.cityID = images.cityID WHERE cities.cityID = images.cityID AND cities.cityShow = 'Y' AND...
  2. shop73

    Result page (mySQL)

    Hello everyone, I made two pages (Search and Result). I've created a database with five tables (cities, categories, images, photographers and years). I used two parameters from search page (categoryID and photographerID). On the results page, I made the following query: SELECT cities.cityID...
  3. shop73

    How to filter data (PHP)

    It is great!This is what I was looking for. Sample: cityID = 1 cityName = Paris cityShow = 'Y' cityID = 2 cityName = Berlin cityShow = 'Y' etc... imageID = 1 paris1 cityID = 1 imagePath = paris1.jpg imageID = 2 paris2 cityID = 1 imagePath = paris2.jpg imageID = 3 paris3 cityID = 1 imagePath =...
  4. shop73

    How to filter data (PHP)

    Hello everyone, I have two tables (cities and images) table cities ----------- cityID cityName cityShow table images ------------ imageID imageName imagePath cityID cityID = 1 cityName = Paris cityShow = 'Y' cityID = 2 cityName = Berlin cityShow = 'Y' cityID = 3 cityName = New York cityShow...
  5. shop73

    Build an advanced results page (PHP)

    Hello, can You help me build an advanced results page in Dreamweaver? I have three tables (products, categories and vendor). Table products has the fields: productID, productName, categoryID, vendorID. Table category has the fields: categoryID, categoryName. Table vendor has the fields...
  6. shop73

    #1109 - Unknown table 'c' in field list

    This is the truth! I rename "C" in "c" in recordset and this works correctly. Thank You Chris! You are the best!!!
  7. shop73

    #1109 - Unknown table 'c' in field list

    Hello, I try use this query in localhost (XAMPP) and hi work, <code>SELECT C.categoryName, Count(P.prodname) as prodcount, c.categoryID FROM categories as C left join products as P on p.categoryID = c.categoryID WHERE P.prodShow = 'Y' GROUP BY c.categoryName</code> but when I put this code in...
  8. shop73

    Swf - mySQL - PHP

    Chris can You write one sample about this thread? table Multimedia mmID: 1, 2 mmName: web, flash mmDesc: web is..., flash is... mmPath: global\images\web.jpg, global\flash\flash.swf Can You make this table in database and make php page wich will display at the same place different mmPath...
  9. shop73

    Swf - mySQL - PHP

    I put images in database like web.gif and I call it with query in DW8. This work but when I put swf file in database and I call it with <?php echo $row_rsDescription['imagePath']; ?> dont works. This is code for swf file in imagePath field of database: <object...
  10. shop73

    Swf - mySQL - PHP

    How can I put the flash, music, videos into my database and call them from the database?
  11. shop73

    Menu items

    Traingamer, can You write one simple example for me?
  12. shop73

    Menu items

    In web pages I found menu with this links example.php?category=web example.php?category=music example.php?category=game When I click menu button web (example.php?category=web) it opens this page in part of web page. Next buton (music) opens music page in same place of web page etc... What's...
  13. shop73

    How to show category name

    PHP and MySQL
  14. shop73

    How to show category name

    I have an table with this fields: cat_id, cat_parent_id and cat_name. I have vertical menu with this items! When I click menu items Audio I have "sample.php?c=1" etc... Example: cat_id cat_parent_id cat_name 1 0 audio 2 0 video 3...
  15. shop73

    Recordset Navigation - Pages List

    I don't understand question? Programming language - PHP.
  16. shop73

    From ASP to PHP

    This script works but one error (radio button is on the top of question) like: O Red O Blue O White How to put radio button in the row where is question "White"?
  17. shop73

    Recordset Navigation - Pages List

  18. shop73

    From ASP to PHP

    Do You know to make poll in PHP like this example above?
  19. shop73

    From ASP to PHP

  20. shop73

    From ASP to PHP

    How to translate this asp code in php? <%=FormatNumber((arrCount(1)/rs_poll_total*100), 2, -2, -2, -2)%>

Part and Inventory Search
