The Disks are 15K fiber 4GB. I just went ahead and created a page file on the boot part (C:\) and left the SAN part alone, for now.
Thanks for the info jjjon, I actually have been running a few systems with their page files on SAN parts without issue.
I really wanted to know if...
Hey all,
Should the page file reside on a SAN partition?
Ideally, you'd like to create a page file the same size as RAM on the boot partition for troubleshooting. Then I'd like to create another page file to reside on fast disks (obviously, we'd want as much RAM as possible so we don't need...
Thanks Thomas.
I'm disappointed to hear that. I'm not a developer so programming anything will take me longer than it's worth. I know sharepoint isn't a document management system but when it's advertised for collaboration and versioning, it seems like a major design flaw not to be able to...
PTina, did you notice if the versioning of the documents also moved with the file.
I tried to move some files and when I moved them, they did not keep the original creation and modification dates. Anyone know how I can move documents between libraries AND keep the versioning?
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