I have a fact table that contains a few percentage values as well as numerous numerical values. Naturally I want to aggregate the numerical values, but not aggregate the percentage values using Analysis Services 2005. I have set the property AggregateFunction = Sum for the numerical values and...
I confirmed that it's Report Builder. I can open an MDX query window in SQL Server Management Studio, select the perspective and see only the dimensions that were included in the perspective. The dimensions that were not checked in the perspective are not displaying.
I have an SSAS database that contains multiple cubes. All these cubes display as data sources in Report Builder. Is there a way to only allow one of the cubes to display in Report Builder short of creating another SSAS database with only that cube?
I created a cube perspective, and unchecked 3 dimensions, so that the parent dimension and child attributes are all unchecked. I saved the solution, reprocessed the SSAS database, and regenerated the SSAS report model. When I open a Report Builder report based off this report model, and select...
Can the SSAS MeasureGroupMeasures function be used with calculated members? If not, is there another way to collectively call large numbers of calculated members in an MDX query without listing each one individually in the SELECT?
I'm wondering if there is a way to dynamically add and delete users within SSAS roles. I'm currently adding and deleting users manually and handling their role restrictions by way of MDX expressions, but I wonder if there is a way to add and delete them dynamically, possibly using MDX...
I discovered that 'System.Data.Keywords' is a .NET Framework object class. It appears Microsoft sent out a security patch yesterday that included a fix specifically for .NET Framework. Because this security patch installed to my PC automatically and I put off rebooting my machine until...
Errors in the high-level relational engine. The following exception occurred while an operation was being performed on a data source view: Could not load type 'System.Data.Keywords' from assembly 'System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' due to value type...
Thanks, Paul! That's exactly what I needed.
Thanks for your input as well, FlaBusInt. Unfortunately the wizard was not an option since the SSRS report (which is quite complex) has already been created and would be difficult to re-create using the wizard.
Hi, me again.
Can someone tell me how to handle SSAS date range queries? SSAS cube? Specifically I'm trying to query an SSAS 2005 cube to get a date range and the associated measure data for that date range using SSRS.
I'm assuming I need to use MDX, but I'm not real proficient with MDX at...
Can someone point me to resources describing how to report on historical and current data within an SSAS cube that uses a slowly-changing dimension? I know how to implement the SSAS dimension using the SCD attribute types (scdStartDate, scdEndDate, scdOriginalID, and scdStatus), but am not sure...
Is there any way to return the actual ranking indicator (e.g. '1' for the highest ranking, '2' for the next highest ranking, etc.) along with the ranked values themselves using the TopCount fucntion or any other SSAS function? We're trying to report the ranked values along with their actual...
Can anyone direct me to any SSAS vs. Essbase comparison documents? Or does anyone have any information to share regarding comparison of the two?
Does anyone know of any hard-and-fast rules that can be used to approximate cube processing times (full and incremental) for a production system?
Thank you.
I'm trying to synchronize my QA and DEV SSAS databases. The QA database is on a Workgroup server separate from another Workgroup server that contains my DEV database. When I try to select the "Source database:" dropdown list in the "Select Database to Synchronize" window of the wizard, the...
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