Ordering info
How does one order the infomation in a graph the normal sort order thing dosent work it eill do the rest of the report but not the graph
oh yea im useing CR 8.5
is there a way i can find out a persons age from their date of birth
I run an LAN event and i want to know the age of people at the event date so it the event was on 20/2/07 and the person DOB is on the 20/1/87 that person would be 20 years and 1 month
Im using Crystal 8.5
ok to start i have a formula that gives the remaining budget which is budget minus what they have spent if they overspend it will go in to a minus eg. $ -3,000.00
it is already a formula but how can i remove the minus symbol also if it is an overspend i want the field that says "Remaining...
Hi Im a newb so please be nice
Im using CR 8.5 an i have a report with 3 subreports in details a,b and c what i need to do is set a parameter so i can select which ones get displayed/run weather it be all or just one.
Hi im fairly new to crystal im using 8.5 and iv been trying to get a formula that does this
Can someone Please Help
Here is the jist of what im after
Total items sole per salesperson
GH1|Division A
GH2|__salesperson___|__Item A__|__Item B__|__Total__|
GH2|__salesperson A_|__$100.00_|__$50.00__|_$150.00_|
GH2|__salesperson B_|__$200.00_|__$10.00__|_$210.00_|...
Im using 8.5
the value im having prob with is null and im adding a variety of ticket prices together per sales person but if there is no price entered it wont show anything but if i add all the subtotals together that the report displays it equals less than the grand total so the results...
I have a report that adds a bunch of dollar figures together it worksfine except if one of the fields is empty that sub wont show nor will it show in the total but it will add it to the grand total just not display it the details
How do i get a users mailbox to connect to outlook automatically when they login on a new workstation for the first time
Using SBS 2003, Outlook 2003
First if your computer still works your processor is probabley fine especially if it is an intel chip as they dont cook them selves they throttle the selves down till they shut off only old amd processors cook them selves
Second PUT THE FAN BACK ON THE CPU!!! its there for a reason the cooler...
now i need to add a percentage for "01" in a column at the end iv tried but with no go
This What i got ATM i need to add a 01% column between 02-10 and total
Alright here we have mainly Win XP with
office xp pro but we also have a few Win 2000 with Office xp pro and none of the win 2000 machiens can print from word or excel i havent tried other office apps
when i go print i can print to image wrighter be if i even select a network printer word or...
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