Thanks vbdcoder,
Many thanks for your assistance. You are really getting into stuff I'm not familiar with. Nevertheless I created test.dsn and placed it on the client PC in C:\Program Files\Common Files\ODBC\Data Sources. Test.dsn looks like this:
DRIVER=Driver do Microsoft Access...
Thanks for your advise tuba. I did as you suggested and now I don't get the error message. However, when I attempt to run the report it closes Accpac down entirely and displays nothing before it exits.
I am using Accpac 500 ERP (Version 5.5A), MS Access 2003 and Crystal Reports XI. In Crystal Reports I have created a report using tables from both Accpac and also a database I have created in MS Access. The report runs fine in Crystal Reports. I have put a link to the report in Accpac...
There is an online polish-english dictionary site that may help you:
You can look up words in either direction.
Thanks for your suggestions. My combo box was created using the Control Toolbox rather than the Forms Toolbar so the Linked Cell works differently and returns the same data as appears in my combo list and having a look at INDEX which I haven't used before, it seems to be useful for static data...
I have an excel workbook consisting of 2 Worksheets. The first one contains a Combo Box which displays a list of product codes taken from a table in Worksheet 2. Worksheet 2 also shows in the table a description for the product codes along with other information relevant to each product code...
Don't be rude it is unbecoming !!!! I have given you all the information I know. If you can't help then that's fine but there is no excuse for you to be rude....a genius in your own lunch break or not.
Does anyone know what causes the following error message. After this displays the user is locked out.
Description: Internal error. misc. error in usrValidate (2178 OEINVH1.C).
How do I give a report I have created in Crystal Reports 8.5 the ability to be drilled-down on in Accpac 5.2A ? The report runs in Accpac but only displays the Group Headers and not the underlying data. The drill-down icon does not appear when the report is run from Accpac. However, works quite...
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