Thanks for your reply.
Let me explain the set in some more detail.
I have form1.asp - which has the <input type="file"> to select a file from the local file system.
This then gets submitted to for form2.asp
are you saying I should have the upload logic in an ifroma inside this if statement...
I have been trying the scripts out on my server and I'm finding out that one cannot use Request.Form after calling BinaryRead, and vice-versa.
My dilema is that every page in the application I'm adding this functionality used requeest.form to check that the user has a valid session...
I have struggled with this for a few hours, hoping to get some help from here as usual.
I have created this array...
For x = 0 To rs.fields.count - 1
Response.Write("sampleValues[" & x & "] = '" & rs.fields.item(x).value & "';")
because I need to x values to get the indexes of...
I think I have just about tied myself up in knots on this one.
Here goes
for each c in arrCols
Response.Write ("Columns to retrieve from spreadsheet")
Response.Write c
'Response.Write rs.fields.item(c).value
On Error Resume...
I have an add on question to the issue you resolved yesterday..
I am using these two routines to get the index of certain items in an array
ide = 0
for each item in arrExcel
if item <> "None" then
Response.Write cstr(ide) '& item
I'm really hoping some kind soul can help here.
THis code...
for each item in arrExcel
if item <> "None" then
Response.Write item
End if
Gets the item I want an print it out.
I would like to get the index of the item in the array arrExcel. How...
Thanks.I'll try this out straight away.
so where im my code to I create the i variable and incrementing it..
the outer for loop is posted below.....
<form name="frmMap" ID="frmMap" ACTION="MapMetadata2.asp?<%= Request.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING") %>">...
But the issue here is that the number of selected boxes to be created will not always be the same, so I cannot name them.
The list boxes are and text boxes created dynamically at run time.
The text box is not getting updated when I select an option in the list box.
Please note that the number of list boxes and text boxes are determined by a for each routine further up the page.
If I remove the text box from the second for each loop i.e. so I have only one text box, each of the...
I am attemting to update multiple textboxes with the value of a selected option in multiple list boxes. Each list box has a text box next to it.
My code is a follows.....
name="excelValues" onChange="document.frmMap.columnValue.value=this.options[this.selectedIndex].text">...
Thanks. The 2 reports in question are showing up as blank, even though I have tweaked the parameters. What do the values I can view via browse field data indicate?
I am able to run and view other reports though.
Thanks for your response.
I'm very new to Crystal, how do I run the report and return data in Crystal designer?
The admin interface I was refering to was the Crystal management Console.
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