Ty... due to the economy, it is an option we have asked our provider. We ALWAYS do everything before our stores open.. Since that is Overtime rate, i just wanted to see if other were taking this approach. ty
Hello all,
Is there a way to do the following?
I want to record the calls of everyone in a dept. then send that call to a generic vm box RATHER than that phones ext.
I know we can enable it to go to the phones ext, but would like them all to go to a gereral mailbox.
We have 3300's and Nupoint...
Good Morning all,
Is there a way to run a script in Nupoint (via Putty) that will show me each mail box, how many unread messages they have, and what ever other info is availabe? We need to Police unread messages and take action for our customers.
THis may be a general question buti wanted to ask.
I am having an issue with a Supevised transfer. after the transfer, when the end called party pick up, the first 2 or 3 seconds are getting cut off.
Is it due to the Supvised transfer? shoul i make it into a Blind?
That mailbox (13077). Is what picks up and plays the call flow greeting. I have set up blind trsf as stated above, but as soon as i hit the 4 (to goto the other Q) i end up in 13077 vm.
Here is the situation,..
Call comes into location, press 1 (goes to a ring group), if they don't pickit up, that mailbox XXXXX plays call flow greeting.. press 4 for this dept, 6 for this dept. etc.
4 is a blind transfer to a ACD Q in another location. as is 6. I am just note sure WHY, when...
Hello all,
I have created a Call flow in a Mailbox, press 4 for XX, press 6 for XXX, # for VM. I am trying to get these to go to the Extension i enetered in.
When i dial it, press the digit, i go right to vm and not that ext? any help appreciated.
Has anybody had e this issue with Delayed VM?
I had an executive work all weekend and he was checking vm.
He comes in on Monday and has 2 from sat, 5 from sunday..
We have a Nupoint VM server, along with 5 3300's
Our phone Vend wanted to do an offline verify as a "might help" it but said they...
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