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Search results for query: *

  1. steve1

    Does SQL Server Have Column Level Security W/O VIEWS?

    Do you know if M/S SQL Server 2000 has Column Level Security With out views? Can you prevent someone from viewing a given column on the actual table? Thanks!
  2. steve1

    DBA...what should I learn??

    Transact SQL is a dialect of T-SQL written by Sybase. Outside of minor syntax changes, and variables, they are IDENTICAL. They refer to the same thing as Oracles very different PL-SQL offering. It is a database programming language written mainly for stored procedures. If you have to ask...
  3. steve1


    I have some questions, and would be very grateful if someone could help me. 1. How different are the COBOLs on DOS/VSE and iSERIES? 2. How different are the CICS libraries? 3. What would you say are the major problems concerning a conversion from DOS/VSE to O/S 400 on the iSERIES? Steve
  4. steve1

    data collection service? top --> graph! HELP!

    Yeah, I used to LOVE VMS! It was the ONLY fully self contained standardized O/S I have ever seen. It is the only one that was: MULTIUSER/TASKING with detached processing (sure UNIX has this, but most don't) STANDARD SHELL (UNIX tends to have at least 2 favored shells, and several flavors of...
  5. steve1

    using perl to mass-insert mysql data files

    Frankly, *I* would recommend having a program do the inserts, but I think you want to use 2>error_output_filename to get input from std_err instead of >normal_user_output_filename to get input from std_out You can even have both if you want. Steve
  6. steve1

    Auto_Increment problems

    First, rycamor was 100% correct with the explanation. I would add just a few things. SOME people feel that deleting an autoincremented key should cause it to reuse that number. Both sides have their own reasons. However I would give you THIS example: Suppose that ID is used as a customer...
  7. steve1

    Multiple USER using IP? or same Username?

    Your question is very hard to understand, so I will try to cover many possibilities. You can have many users use the sameuser/ password on the same or different databases, and many users/ passwords on the same or different databases. Each password can be limited to a particular originating...
  8. steve1

    Which SQL is the best?

    Yeah, I forgot. Sub queries ARE standard SQL, and not CURRENTLY supported in MYSQL. In MY uses of mysql, and many other real world places, it isn't much of a limitation. In a reporting app, for example, the sub query may be run seperately to load a selection list, and the items selected from...
  9. steve1

    What is the best way to BIND in LIB_MYSQL and IODBC?

    I got TIRED of all the things in thrid party libraries that didn't work. One used features that ANSI apparantly changed(and gcc 3.1 TRASHED all the old TRUE standards). One provided a trial library that was STRIPPED, so I couldn't use it. I had problems elsewhere, SO...... I wrote my OWN...
  10. steve1

    Which SQL is the best?

    MYSQL is the BEST trade off of price(actually, its father WAS free and is STILL less capable, but is now MORE expensive!), performance(can be one of the fastest), capabilities(it lacks foreign keys, and SUPERSET features), compatible(perhaps THE most compatible), and simplicity(one of the...
  11. steve1

    looking for a database design/maintenance tool for Win9x/Linux

    Interesting how people talk about MYSQL like it is a TOY! It is a nice database, and getting better. *I* have noticed some defaults that are set for speed AT ALL COSTS, and have found that bypassing some of them get rid of some desire for more endowed databases, while still maintaining speed...
  12. steve1

    "Artificial Intelligence"

    MYSQL is thought of as web specific because that is where many seem to use it. It is no more/less geared to the web than any other. As for A.I., one organization claimed to have one as intelligent as a 3 year old, last I heard. This is patently absurd. Besides, if it were really that smart...
  13. steve1

    Can I use MySQL WIN32 on a single PC (no network)?

    Win98 DOES have a network. As does ANY computer that can connect to the internet directly. If you set NOTHING up, or you want the ULTIMATE in network security, just set it up as your default loopback IP: localhost or [local] or LO or loopback) That is a standard that ALL...
  14. steve1

    MySQL Connection Using HTML

    The previous answer is not an answer to the problem. Your REAL problem is probably that it is legally probably impossible. It is VERY rare, at best, that free services give you ANY access to dynamic pages. As for the UNIX thing? This is what M/S REALLY wants! To trick guys like you into...
  15. steve1

    Deciding upon a Primary Key

    Basically, there are four reasons for not using the Email address: 1. Inefficient(numbers take less space, and are faster to check.). 2. Insecure. (do you REALLY want your email address all over the place?) 3. It could change! Ideally, keys should NEVER change! 4. Not unique (A person could...
  16. steve1

    MySql Data types

    Almost NO database can handle varchar greater than 255.(M/S SQL SERVER, SYBASE, ORACLE(as I recall), MYSQL, and many others can't do this. On the otherhand, MOST(including MYSQL, M/S SQL SERVER, SYBASE, and ORACLE) can handle TEXT fields that are much larger. Use TEXT! BTW, you can probably...
  17. steve1

    MySQL Indexing kills my server

    Your app sounds EARILY like mine! Right down to ALL the numbers! Mine has a little over 1205000 records though.(although almost 4000 records were in my first version, and I still haven't pared down the table as much as I want.). You wouldn't happen to be writing a search engine? Look at the...
  18. steve1

    XML Connection to MySQL

    XML is a LOT of HYPE! It, like Java, is being touted as a panacea, and is being claimed to be great for things that it will NOT work well with. I DID write a metadata extraction program that took a complicated denormalized database representing conversion metadata, and outputted this as a...
  19. steve1

    Getting metadata through DBI

    That statement about mysql and sybase isn't exactly true. Try this: select a.name,c.name,a.length,a.prec,a.scale,a.isnullable from syscolumns a,sysobjects b,systypes c where a.id=b.id and c.xtype=a.xtype and b.name='CUSTOMERS' order by colorder The above statement gives metadata (field name...
  20. steve1

    language problem

    Mysql doesn't know one language from another. However Many languages(ESPECIALLY ones that had not accepted the latin alphabet(such as russian or greek)), will have odd characters. It is very likely that incompatible programs could cause such a failure to occur. This is why UNICODE is now...

Part and Inventory Search
