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Search results for query: *

  1. gyli84

    Programming 3 Dependent Combo Boxes

    With regards to the Disabling of controls if "Completed" = True, I have tried the code, modifying chkComplete to completed and it did not work, even when I placed it in Form_Current. What is ctrControl? Also is Me.Controls an expression for all controls on the form? Thanks for your help.
  2. gyli84

    Difficulty Using Form with Checkboxes as Query Interface

    I am trying to create a form where controls on it can be used as the criteria for a query. I have a table called computers which also has certain software titles on it of yes/no data type to indicate whether that computer has that software installed on it. The computer table is linked to a staff...
  3. gyli84

    Programming 3 Dependent Combo Boxes

    Is there any easy way I can lock all the controls in the form if the checkbox Completed = True rather than listing them all? Also, with regards to enabling and disabling combo boxes 2 and 3, the form also shows calls that have previously been logged and have not yet necessarily been completed...
  4. gyli84

    Programming 3 Dependent Combo Boxes

    Does anyone have the Candace Tripp Cascading combo box demo they can send me. I've gone to the web site but there is a server error and I cannot download it. My e-mail is garyli@weconnor.com Thanks
  5. gyli84

    Programming 3 Dependent Combo Boxes

    Does anyone know how to program 3 dependent combo boxes (where the values in the previous combo box limit the values in the next). I have tried a method you can use for 2 using queries as the rowsource but in trying it for 3 when I display them as part of records on a form the last comob box...
  6. gyli84

    Run Time Error 2001 in Query with Checkbox Criteria 0 Or 1

    As an experiment I tried to set the value in CompletedCriteriaNo through code rather than as it being relayed from combo_CallstoQuery. I used: Public Function CompletedCriteriaNoSet() If Combo_CallstoQuery = 0 Then Me.CompletedCriteriaNo = "0" ElseIf Combo_CallstoQuery = 1 Then...
  7. gyli84

    Run Time Error 2001 in Query with Checkbox Criteria 0 Or 1

    I have tried Yes Or No and also True Or False being displayed in CompletedCriteriaNo and it still doesn't work.
  8. gyli84

    Form Does Not Show 3rd Dependent ComboBox But Value Stored in Table

    Sorry, I should have explained myself better. I mean that the options that I originally select on the form are still saved in the record in the "Calls" table but when I go through the records on the "Calls" form and look at them the last combo box is empty even though their...
  9. gyli84

    Form Does Not Show 3rd Dependent ComboBox But Value Stored in Table

    As part of a helpdesk program I have a form called "Calls" where problems are logged and it's recordsource is a query drawing fields from the calls and staff tables. I have 3 dependent listboxes on the form used to define a problem. When I actually choose values from each combo box...
  10. gyli84

    Run Time Error 2001 in Query with Checkbox Criteria 0 Or 1

    In creating a helpdesk database I have a form called "Calls" where calls received at the helpdesk are logged. Within this form there are 3 dependent combo boxes (your choice in the first restrics options in the second etc.) used to define the problem. As I wanted to be able to query...
  11. gyli84

    One Form-Change Recordset to Different Queries on Click

    Is it possible to have a form whose recordset can be changed to that of a different query. I have lots of different queries all with the same fields but different criteria and what I would ideally like to be able to do is to have ONE form and then click a button (one for each query) which would...
  12. gyli84

    Only Display Filtered Records and No Navigation to Others?

    How do you do that? Isn't that exactly what my OpenForm macro does? You can still use the nav buttons to go to records outside the subset returned by the query though.
  13. gyli84

    Only Display Filtered Records and No Navigation to Others?

    I have an "OpenForm" macro with a "where" condition to filter the records on a form displaying calls logged at a helpdesk. The user can still use the record navigation buttons at the bottom to view records outside of the filter though. Is there any way to stop this so the...
  14. gyli84

    Code to Enter Value into Disabled/Locked Field?

    Ok, solved the problem.
  15. gyli84

    Code to Enter Value into Disabled/Locked Field?

    Within my company there are staff who log calls. They do not necessarily answer the calls themselves though. The calls are recorded in the database and the helpdesk manager assigns the calls according to who he thinks may be best able to solve the problem and thus the Assigned user field is...
  16. gyli84

    Auto Enter of Data after Form Exit/New Record

    With regards to my first question, I cannot set it as my default value as different users log in (my database has been set up with workgroups and user level security) and thus the field "logged by" will constantly change when I actually want it to show the name of the person who...
  17. gyli84

    Login System Using Workgroups and "Currentuser"

    What is references.DAO and how do I get access to it?
  18. gyli84

    Code to Enter Value into Disabled/Locked Field?

    I am creating a helpdesk system and have secured my database with User Level Security and Workgroups and have a script which determines whether the current user is a member of Admin or just a User. If the 'CurrentUser' is not a member of Admin then a checkbox (Assigned User-The member of staff...
  19. gyli84

    Login System Using Workgroups and "Currentuser"

    With regards to: If IsUserInGroup Then docmd.openform "FORM1" else docmd.openform "FORM1" end if it states that the argument is not optional, compile error
  20. gyli84

    Auto Enter of Data after Form Exit/New Record

    I have a textbox on the form called "Logged By". I have a value on another form [Forms]![Helpdesk Staff Switchboard]![Name] which has the name of the person logged in and I would like for this value to be entered into the "Logged By" field on the "Calls" form when...

Part and Inventory Search
