I have created a chart and the legend is using the term "Sumof....". I would like to change this to just the data field name and delete "Sumof".
I tried doing this in the datasheet associated with the graph but it just reverts back.
Does anyone know how to do this?
Is there a web part that will display information from another webpart (announcements) from another page? I tried using the form webpart and connecting it to the announcements webpart but it displayed as a page with scroll bars. I'm basically looking to display announcements from a departments...
I have a database that I want to use the search feature in but, because information can not be replaced, I need to find a way to disable that feature within the search. I'm also open to other suggestions on doing this-allowing a search but no replace.
Any ideas on how to do this?
Thanks for your help! The only issue I am having now is that I cannot reference a property or method unless the field has focus. How do I give the Me.IncidentID.Text field focus?
FROM tblIncident WHERE IncidentID=" & Me.IncidentID.Text
Yes there is. And, when the record is added to the history table it gets assigned an auto number. I did this because the history table could have more than one record with the same incident number.
Is there a way to pull the current record primary key and tell it to add that record to the...
I figured that would be the way to do it. Do you have any suggestion on how to write it. Basically, any of the fields can change so how do I drill down to that in the code?
I have a form which is bound to a table. When there is a change on the record (there are about 10 fields including combo boxes) I want to move that record to a history table. I have figured out how to do it when a record is added but cannot figure out how to just add the changed record-it's...
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