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Search results for query: *

  1. Crisps

    Missing combo box event

    I have an event handler that is called whenever I change the value of a DropDownList style of combo box; This occurs perfectly when I change it with the mouse or when I change it programatically (on file open in this case) My problem is that when I want to clear the value of the combo box and...
  2. Crisps

    Whitesapce question

    Cheers, I'll go with the sneaky approach. Really just ttrying to make some large html documents readable code, the sneaky method should be good enough.
  3. Crisps

    Whitesapce question

    Is it possible to completely ignore white space in html? for example I would like to display button1 and button2 next to each other with no gap. It would be nice if I could make my code readable as follows <div id="top_bar"> <img src="button1.jpg"/> <img src="button2.jpg/> <div/>...
  4. Crisps

    stored proc queries

    makes perfect sense, something like that was exactly what I was looking for, Thanks.
  5. Crisps

    stored proc queries

    Hi, given a simple stored procedure prototype as follows CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.lookup @first_name char (30), @last_name char (30), AS /*work*/ GO How would I go about adding a select statement(s) for all possible combinations of input parameters? i.e. I would like to do the following...
  6. Crisps

    value keyword

    In C# can you create a class with a 'value' attribute without causing any problems e.g. class MyClass { String name; String value; }; value is a keyword, so I want to know if this is possible. Does it cause side effects. I currently have a class like this which compiles, but seems to...
  7. Crisps

    XSL and Schemas

    Hi, I have an XSLT document that parses and incoming XML document. Is there anyway to validate that the incoming document matches a schema as a part of the transformation. I would like for example to say in the XSL itself something along the lines of. IF document matches SCHEMA THEN PARSE...
  8. Crisps

    inheritance and variable argument lists.

    Cheers, I may have to get changes made to the base class, esp. seeing that it is so easy.
  9. Crisps

    inheritance and variable argument lists.

    Hi, I have a class (which I have no control of) and I would like to create a descendant of this class. The base class has functions with variable parameter lists which I would like to override. I need to then call the original function from within the overridden function. Is this even...
  10. Crisps

    ODBC Stored Procedures

    I would like to call a stored procedure VIA ODBC. The underlying ODBC connection may point to any database, but probably one of DB2, ORACLE, MSSQL or MYSQL. Is there a means possible in C++ code to make a single call of the stored proc which will work for all of them. I have found so far you...
  11. Crisps

    MFC: CreateSolidBrush

    sorry, this is GDI not MFC. the m_hBrush is just a handle (HBRUSH)
  12. Crisps

    MFC: CreateSolidBrush

    If I do a hDC = GetDC(m_hWnd); m_hDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC); m_hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(0xFF, 0, 0)); SelectObject(m_hDC, m_hBrush) RECT rect; rect.top = (m_ry * m_iSize) + m_iOffsetY; rect.left = (m_rx * m_iSize) + m_iOffsetX; rect.right = ((m_rx + 1) * m_iSize) + m_iOffsetX...
  13. Crisps

    DOS Shares

    this did the trick int iRc = 1; HKEY hKey = NULL; if(argc == 2) { if(RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\lanmanserver\\Shares", 0, KEY_READ, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { char szDescription[2048]; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(szDescription)...
  14. Crisps

    DOS Shares

    hi, Not sure if this is the correct forum, but I am intending on implementing the answer to this in C++ if necessary. I have a script which needs to 'cd' to a directory in order to run some commands from there (clearcase requires that that is the current directory, crap I know). You cannot...
  15. Crisps

    devenv.exe running in background

    Found the answer, run devenv.com instead of devenv.exe
  16. Crisps

    devenv.exe running in background

    I am trying to set up some automated build stuff that uses devenv.exe for the build. I can get my apps to build fine using something like C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" /rebuild Release /project ScriptHook.vcproj /projectconfig "Release|Win32"...
  17. Crisps

    Copy with replace

    Hi I am trying to do something that I at least think is really simple with xsl. I have these files Template.xml <root> <data1>Hello</data1> <data2>World</data2> <spare1>Some Data</spare1> </root> Input.xml <root> <level2> <input1>ajlsa</input1>...
  18. Crisps

    if (-e ... not working

    Found the issue, one of the filenames had a carriage return on the end. removed it with chomp and it now works.
  19. Crisps

    if (-e ... not working

    I have a simple perl script that contains these few lines $Filename = "Z:\\user_CCPROJ_Integration\\SxSupport\\SxRelease\\.\\Product500\\Hooks\\Generic\\ScriptHook\\Release.txt"; $Filename2 = $DestPath . ".\\" . $RelRelease; print "$Filename\n\n"; print "$Filename2\n\n"; if (-e...
  20. Crisps

    xpath, variables, document

    Hi, I have been working on a larger issue and have narrowed down the issue to a very small one. I have a variable called $data_path. I am trying to read a document called mydata.xml which looks like. <root> <a>Hello world</a> </root> the $data_path variable contains the string "/root/a"...

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