I got this so long ago I didn't even look to see where it came from so I will ask there too. But quite simply I select the range of cells and it completes but returns the #REF. No errors and it seems like it is working until the results give #REF. Strangly enough it works on the A column?
I have this macro that was working fine but not only works on the first column. The other colums I get #REF?
Here is what I have. My objective is to fill in the blank fields with above data. My problem was sometimes there was more than one blank field so filling in blank field with a blank field...
I have a server running windows 2000 with service pack 4. For some unknown reason the printer setup or anything having to do with the printer will not come up. So I can not print (I have not tried until now). Am I missing something or is this corrupt?
By the way I am not 100% sure if it is an...
It is strange that it stopped so suddenly but I will check them. Are those setting under computer management or user area? Thank you very much for responding!
I am trying to help a friend who has dsl and windows xp. She was able to browse the internet with both user accounts until the other day. Now she can only browse with the main account (administrator). I looked at obvious setting like tcpip and all looked fine on the limited user. I finally...
AH! The function key worked. You see we could see the windows screen and icons but the movie was invisible. The funtion key enabled the projector only which is fine! Thanks
We are conducting a class and have all our dvd's to view. We usually hook up the laptop to a projector (panasonic) and play it. It shows up on the laptop NOT the projection? Any setting that we should consider? We already purchased new cables as suggested by someone.
I have an internal setup with exchange 2003. The global addresses are there and all is well. We are adding 70 wireless tablets which utilize pop3 and exchange 2003. It works fine except finding the global addresses? Is there a way to copy or duplicate them somehow so the users on the road will...
I have macros on some documents for years but all of the sudden it says they are disabled? I checked the security and lowered it just to try and it did not help.
Any ideas?
I suddenly have a document opening when I open word. If I click on the "new doc" icon I stil get the same doc. It will count document1.. document2.. etc. as long as I click it.
Any ideas where to change the default blank doc?
OK I can do that. What I cannot get is what is
Me!ControlName.DefaultValue=Me!ControlName Referring to?
I have tables of service and the field employee. Are they to be inserted there? Sorry for being thick but it has been a while and I hope it will all click back!!
I haven't used or created a new database in a while and am making a data base for fuel. The thing is I want the employee and date (two fields) to stay when you go to a new record so entering a week or a month of fuel could be easier. I am sure there is some silly answer so PLEASE help me! Thank you
I know this may be silly but here goes. I am looking for the setting that will "suggest" a fill in. For instance we have a spreadsheet that we use dates on and we use many of the same date each day so I want to be able to start the date and have it show me a suggestion.
For instance...
I've tried changing it in the table and also changing the type to text, then currency and the most I get is 8.62000! It leaves that 5 off. Thanks for responding - If there is a way to change the roundoff or something else I am missing feel free to let me know.
God Bless on this tragic...
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