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Search results for query: *

  • Users: ph74
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  1. ph74

    CCMS ASE Driver Version

    Thanks Jim. The Database Browser does not work. It shows as connected but with an error? The post is useful, however I am in similar position and can not install any new stored procedures onto the DB server? Looks like this is a brick wall now!! Thanks . Paul
  2. ph74

    CCMS ASE Driver Version

    Yes, connecting to the Blue database. I am using Excel but have tried Access with the same error message -- Stored procedure 'sp_odbc_tables' not found. Also with version 15.5 of the odbc drivers there doesn't appear to be anywhere to reference the Interfaces File as with older version of the...
  3. ph74

    CCMS ASE Driver Version

    Yes, this used to work with the original drivers. The new drivers are installed and the ODBC test connection works, but can't connect to query db? Paul
  4. ph74

    AppBuilder Voice Item Length

    Hi, We are currently using Call Pilot Application Builder to define voice prompts for use in symosium. I need to know the length of each message and have searched and searched but can not find the length of the recorded messages. Where do you look find this?? Thanks. PH.
  5. ph74

    SELECT Using INNER JOIN Not Working

    This is the code i currently have at the beginning of the asp page, <% Set DBConnection = Server.Createobject("ADODB.Connection") DBConnection.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=\\tyne\db-data$\User Details\User Details Data.mdb" 'SQLQuery = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE "...
  6. ph74

    SELECT Using INNER JOIN Not Working

    Thanks for all the advice, I tried the code supplied and still comes up with the same error? I have also taken the SQL code and run this from within Access on SQL view, and the query runs as expected?? The only difference in FAQ333-4770 is i connect to the database with this: Set DBConnection =...
  7. ph74

    SELECT Using INNER JOIN Not Working

    Thanks for the quick reply. I have checked the data type and they are the same, and i have just done a quick SELECT PositionID FROM Position and i get the same error? What does that mean?? Surely a Select * from any table should work?? Paul.
  8. ph74

    SELECT Using INNER JOIN Not Working

    Can anyone help with the following that I think should be working but just comes back with error'80004005' SQLQuery = "SELECT Users.DBID, Position.Position FROM Users INNER JOIN Position ON Users.Position = Position.PositionID" Any ideas appreciated Paul.
  9. ph74

    INSERT INTO Question

    I am using the following INSERT INTO statement, to insert a users RecordID and a CourseID (CSID)into the training table, strInsert = "INSERT INTO training (RecordID, CSID)" & "Values ([RecordID], '" & cboSchedule & "')" DoCmd.RunSQL strInsert The problem being, if there is not already an entry...
  10. ph74

    SQL subquery help

    Yes, the EndDate will be for the MAX(StartDate). Paul.
  11. ph74

    SQL subquery help

    There is a field 'EndDate' i need to be able to show in the results.
  12. ph74

    SQL subquery help

    Thanks for that, however, when I add another field in as you suggestion it changes the results of the query?
  13. ph74

    SQL subquery help

    I have another issue with this query and can not find an answer the query is as follows, SELECT DISTINCT staff.RecordNo, staff.Surname, staff.Forename FROM staff INNER JOIN [SELECT RecordID, Max(StartDate) AS MostRecent FROM training WHERE courseid=44 GROUP BY RecordID HAVING...
  14. ph74

    SQL subquery help

    Thanks PH, that has worked a treat.
  15. ph74

    SQL subquery help

    I have tried changeing the WHERE to WHERE CourseID=44 AND DateDiff("d",[StartDate],Date()) >365 but this does not give the correct results from the Max(StartDate) section?? Paul.
  16. ph74

    SQL subquery help

    With the excellent help of these boards I have created the following sql query to select records based on the maximum training start date with a course id of 44. Good start, but i now need to only select records that have a start date of greater than 365 days from these result?? Any ideas...
  17. ph74

    Drop Table in SQL database from access

    Thanks nicsin, this looks like what i need, but could you expand a bit on &quot;You would need a reference to ADO though.&quot;
  18. ph74

    Drop Table in SQL database from access

    Thanks for the quick reply John. This returns a Table 'StaffExport' does not exist The table is not is the local Access DB but rather in an SQL DB, so some how need to reference the ODBC connection??
  19. ph74

    Drop Table in SQL database from access

    I have a DoCmd.TransferDatabase which sucessfully copies a table from my Access DB to an SQL DB BUT only the first time. After checking other posts i need to add a DROP TABLE before the export. How do you drop a table from an SQL DB from within Access??

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