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Search results for query: *

  1. DonHawaii

    assigning text input value to cfset

    ColdFusion can not read the value of a form field until it has been submitted. So you either make the form action reload the page or go to another page. DonOmite http://www.donomite.com
  2. DonHawaii

    XML Integration - ASP equivalent in CF

    I know you aren't using PayPal, but there is a good tutorial on using PP that shows how to do the whole cfhttp request and reply stuff. Not sure if it will work with the one you are doing or not but it is good reading. http://tutorial23.easycfm.com/ DonOmite http://www.donomite.com
  3. DonHawaii

    Ping to see if I can connect to a server

    Well, I think we had already established it had to be client side which rules out CF. And actually there might be a way to do it with CF, but it would be very roundabout with frames. Basically one page checking another page. Probably more trouble than it is worth tho. DonOmite...
  4. DonHawaii

    Ping to see if I can connect to a server

    You keep thinking coldfusion. Obviously the server side script will only work if nobody can get there. However, I'm thinking client side scripting such as JS, VBS, maybe even CFS. I'm sure some JS guru could write up something that would detect what the result of clicking on a link is...
  5. DonHawaii

    Advanced Variables

    Try someQuery.colID DonOmite http://www.donomite.com
  6. DonHawaii

    Ping to see if I can connect to a server

    Yes, it COULD run it from the server. Depends on how it is written. And yes, you CAN run exectutables on client computers IF their security allows you to. I've done that before but only on intranet sites where the security allowed it for specific cases. But for a client to know if it can...
  7. DonHawaii

    Ping to see if I can connect to a server

    No. ECAR, you are forgetting the ping will run from the client computer, not from the CFServer. Of course then you have to have some way of detecting the error and that would require a client side script in something like JavaScript. Have you tried looking for a JavaScript to test pings...
  8. DonHawaii

    Server side language advantage compared to Access Forms

    Well, almost. You can have multiple users working on a single Access db but each user must have the Access frontend on their computer. The advantages to using CF over straight access are too many to count. DonOmite http://www.donomite.com
  9. DonHawaii

    Show SQL command (syntax)

    What are you trying to accomplish with it? Do you need to know what a variable in the query is? DonOmite http://www.donomite.com
  10. DonHawaii

    form does not post variables

    Try making your form ID and form Name the same thing. See what that does. As for changes not showing up, clear your browser cache and see if the change shows up. DonOmite http://www.donomite.com
  11. DonHawaii

    search screen query logic CFIF

    Wow. This became really complicated. Forget all that structure key stuff and just go simple. It will work. Honest. DonOmite http://www.donomite.com
  12. DonHawaii

    form does not post variables

    That is because the form is not putting the data into the URL it is putting it into the FORM structure. To retrieve the data in the form you need to do <cfoutput> #form.catg_ID# </cfoutput> DonOmite http://www.donomite.com
  13. DonHawaii

    Any idea

    The way to program a page so that the output of the query is the way you want it, is first, do it yourself manually. Notice exactly what you do and what decisions you make when placing each item. Write it down on paper each step of the way. Then go back and see how you can do that in whatever...
  14. DonHawaii

    form does not post variables

    What do you mean it is not submitting any "variables in URL"? Have you tried outputting the form on result.cfm? DonOmite http://www.donomite.com
  15. DonHawaii

    Dynamic form

    OR if you want to stick with CF, you can just reload the page with the new fields included. DonOmite http://www.donomite.com
  16. DonHawaii

    Is is possible to get URL History w/Coldfusion?

    I believe you have to use JavaScript for this one. Access the HISTORY object. http://docs.sun.com/source/816-6408-10/history.htm DonOmite http://www.donomite.com
  17. DonHawaii


    Make sure you have the latest version of Flash. Also, some of these CF/Flash controls fail to work unless Flash Remoting is enabled. I don't remember if the calendar needs Flash Remoting or not. Here is a source to double check all your settings especially the VISIBLE attribute...
  18. DonHawaii

    Word count issue

    Ooops. I was programming in VB when I answered this question and used VB syntax vice CF. So many languages so few brain cells [3eyes] DonOmite http://www.donomite.com
  19. DonHawaii

    search screen query logic CFIF

    Aloha, One way of simplifying this is to first check that ANY of the form fields are filled in. If not, then you don't go any further. If even 1 is filled in you start the string with: [in cf not in the query] <cfset sqlStr = "WHERE 1=1"> Throwing in the 1=1, which will always be true...
  20. DonHawaii

    Word count issue

    To do it in CF is not that hard. You forget, as many do, that you can treat the string as a list with spaces as the delimeter. One way of doing this is to use ListToArray and then loop over the first 30 array entries to get your first 30 words. <cfset myArray = #ListToArray(MyQuery.Article)#>...

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