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Search results for query: *

  1. dseaver

    Do black bars on my LCD monitor mean its dead?

    I have a 4.5 year old Samsung 19" LCD monitor. Recently, when its on, there are vertical bars the height of the screen, every other horizontal pixel. I tried unplugging it for a few weeks, and the problem stopped for a short while, but by the end of the day, the problem had returned. I know...
  2. dseaver

    Redirect blog.domain.com to www.domain.com/wp/ using htaccess

    Removing the options line still does not work. This is my first time using an .htaccess file before
  3. dseaver

    Redirect blog.domain.com to www.domain.com/wp/ using htaccess

    I need to redirect "http://blog.domain.com" to "http://www.domain.com/wp/" This is what I have currently, and it is not working correctly Options +FollowSymlinks RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^blog\.domain\.com RewriteRule ^$ http://www.domain.com/wp/$1 [L]
  4. dseaver

    Quotation marks and Copyright symbol Transform to HTML

    Perfect, option 1 did the trick!
  5. dseaver

    Quotation marks and Copyright symbol Transform to HTML

    I get an XML back from a provider and I am transforming it into HTML to be displayed on a webpage. The problem is the provider uses the quotes and copyright symbol in the XML and they dont appear in the HTML for obvious reason. How can I check text parsed in the XSL template below to escape...
  6. dseaver

    PC powers up, HDD and CD lights stay solid, no POST

    It is the motherboard. I had to use the PSU to power another board because the one I had wasn't working and the PSU from my rig worked fine, but the Mobo doesn't
  7. dseaver

    problem printing in leopard

    That specific model isn't listed for gutenprint, but it may be worth a shot to try the gutenprint drivers. http://gutenprint.sourceforge.net/index.php3
  8. dseaver

    Programmatically creating a Word Doc Problems

    Alright, new problem, I can't border the top and bottom of a paragraph wiht a line. Here is the code that I am trying, which doesn't work. Word.Paragraph StatementParagraph = _Doc.Paragraphs.Add(ref oMissing); StatementParagraph.Range.Text = "This is a test"...
  9. dseaver

    Programmatically creating a Word Doc Problems

    I found the solution, I needed to set _Doc.PageSetup.DifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter = -1;
  10. dseaver

    Programmatically creating a Word Doc Problems

    I am trying to create a word doc via code. I am trying to get a footer to appear on all pages other than the cover, but no matter what I've tried, I can't seem to get it to work. Here is my code for the footer: foreach (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Section wordSection in _Doc.Sections)...
  11. dseaver

    Escape characters in a combobox

    Is this when you are debugging, or actually running the winForm?
  12. dseaver

    PC powers up, HDD and CD lights stay solid, no POST

    Well.., when my original PSU is plugged in, its stays powered up, just locked up. And I know the HS fan works then, because it lights up and spins (I have one of those fancy HS). It only flicks on for a second when OTHER power supplies are hooked up. It won't post with any of the PSUs though
  13. dseaver

    PC powers up, HDD and CD lights stay solid, no POST

    I tried a PSU out of a Dell Dimension 4600 that had a 20 pin connector, and the mobo would flick on for a sec and not stay on. I also tried a mini-atx power supply (180W) with just the motherboard plugged in (no peripherals, no PCI cards, nothing but the 20 pin connector and the 4 pin processor...
  14. dseaver

    PC powers up, HDD and CD lights stay solid, no POST

    Thanks Ben and Roger, Ben for the helpful links and Roger for letting me know that even if I did test it, it doesn't help me!
  15. dseaver

    PC powers up, HDD and CD lights stay solid, no POST

    I'm going to be able to test a PSU to see if that is the problem, I tried a PSU out of a Dell Dimension 4600 that had a 20 pin connector, and the mobo would flick on for a sec and not stay on. Is there a way to test my PSU with my multimeter or would the best way to test it would be by trying a...
  16. dseaver

    PC powers up, HDD and CD lights stay solid, no POST

    No add on card And the ~ i used was to represent approximately, not AC, i know it was DC, but thank you
  17. dseaver

    PC powers up, HDD and CD lights stay solid, no POST

    i unplugged everything from the mobo and tried turning it on and still no post. I used a multimeter and measured the 5 and 12 v from the molex connectors and got ~5 and ~11.6 v respectively. i even pulled out the ram and got no beeps from the mobo. i dont have a spare psu to test that...
  18. dseaver


    Notepad++ is pretty good. I use it for just general edits. It supports a lot of languages and allows you to add your own language syntax for it. It also has a built in comparer along with other Plugins. Best of all, its open source http://notepad-plus.sourceforge.net
  19. dseaver

    PC powers up, HDD and CD lights stay solid, no POST

    My mobo is a Asus P4P800-E Deluxe, found it while browsing the Asus site, and it rung a bell
  20. dseaver

    PC powers up, HDD and CD lights stay solid, no POST

    Yea, i just haven't had the time to actually trouble shoot it, I pulled out the power from the HDDs and no post, and i removed the video card and no post. I plan to do a proper diagnostic soon. I gotta see if I can harvest a PSU from somewhere to check that. The comp was working 2 hours prior...

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