Has anyone seen this?
Beginning August 3, 2019, the (Mexico) Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT), is implementing 10-digit Uniform Marking Plan, changing the way dialing landlines and mobile phones in Mexico.
I have only one TAC (9) to get outside line .. 7 and 8 digits local, 12 digits...
I have 2 - 24 port 4200G swicthes. I have configured ports 1-12 on both switches as VLAN 2 and ports 13-22 as VLAN 3. My uplink port to a 4924 swicth is fiber connected port 27 and ports 28 on each switch are connected together with default VLAN 1.
My question is: Do I need to have a seperate...
Good Moring,
I have 2 24 port 4200G swicthes. I have configured ports 1-12 on both swicthes as VLAN 2 and ports 13-22 as VLAN 3. My uplink port to a 4924 swicth is fiber connected port 27 and ports 28 on each switch are connected together with default VLAN 1.
My question is: Do I need to have...
Xlate has been all cleared .. I wasn't sure if OS/2 had a problem with address nating that the PIX does ..
Thanks again for your assistance .. I will keep poking at it until it works.
Thanks for your reply ..
Yes, I mirrored the setup (different IP's)that I have on the win servers that work fine. I do not block any ports on the internal network which allows for succesful FTP's to the OS/2 server.
Thats why I thought it may require a port different than port 21. Do you know...
I have 165 FTP sites exposed to the Internet via my PIX-515 using statics and ACL's .. Now I am tring to allow access to a FTP site running on an OS/2 Warp server. I configured my PIX nearly the same (different IP addr) but I can't get the session to connect. Does OS/2 listen on different...
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