there seems to be a viris of some type that norton is not picking up.
While in Outlook >send and recieve there are 2 messages trying to be sent yet there is nothing in the outbox
anyclues ? I've reinstalled office 2003 hoping for the best but no luck
I may be wrong but you had to put the key in to load the software. One of mine did that and I clicked to activate it.
It then gives you the choice to activate over the net or by phone. Click net is you are hooked up to the net and it will either activate or tell you it can't.
If it can't...
Hi All
I can make the vpn connection but not map a drive from outside?
At Work I can vpn to the xp box host and can map the drive from inside ip 192.168.1.x. I can also establish by using an outside ip of 62.64.x.x get the connection and map the drive.
From home or from another location I can...
I have the same problem any luck yet?
I donlt see where the prefered dns is a choice under DNS ??
Please help, I can make the connection to the remote computer
and right after the connection is made the internet and mail die. I read the MS notes but to no avail..
Ok I still can't but heres wat I'm doing
From home I set up an advanced connection over a dsl line
To the Router at work
It made a shortcut so I just click on it and it asks Usr name and PWD , I have the same user and pass on all computers
It autheticates and states connected ( I use...
I got the connection this morning at work from my xp pro
was putting in //public found out just to do public ip in the connection box
Made a mapped connection inside the network
Am at home and it will not make a connection even though I put the same things in the boxes
Thanks for all the help, so far I've tried this and some of it works
Set up a VPN tunnel on the server
Again the Server is located behind a linksysrouter
local ip's are the norm 192..168.1.130
there is a share on this server called act
I can make the connection using the dialup and starting...
I may have found another problem but. I am trying to access our Server at work from another location 20 miles away.
We have years ago used a dialup connection and I seem to remember that I could map the drive for the Act database access.
In this day and age the internet seems to be a faster...
wow that was fast!
the xx's are the public ip the Server has a local ip of and the folder that the database resides is the actdatabase.
So would that be \\\\actdatabase ?
I stuck on how the router will loate the correct machine, ok really I'm stuck ...
I have 2 xp pro machines networked
they are connected to a linksys router with DSL Static ip
I have a place down the road that I would like to access the database for the company versus remote admin. since ther are several computers there.
I have tried "\\\server\actdatabase...
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