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Search results for query: *

  1. JPeters

    Using VBA to Update Linked Tables

    What if the table is linked to a text file instead of a database table? ------------------ JPeters ------------------
  2. JPeters

    Command-Line Parameter Not WOrking

    You can specify access to be shut down in the macro that you run. Just make sure that the last line of the macro is Quit and then select the options of Prompt, Save All, or Exit. Save All and Exit will automatically shut down the database without user intervention. -Josh ------------------...
  3. JPeters

    Autofill method of range class failed

    Skip, Right on. Thanks. I was trying to find out more in depth documentation on how the AutoFill method worked, but you managed to provide me with what I needed. TYVM! -Josh ------------------ 'How to Keep Your Databases from becoming Overwhelming!' thread181-293590...
  4. JPeters

    Autofill method of range class failed

    Skip, Apprecaite the advice, but I still need the code to run even when there is only one Cell being pasted (Range AT2:AT2 - just 1 cell) - this is when I get the error. Otherwise I'm sittin pretty. The RFTabCnt is the RF Worksheet row count, and I paste the same value into the number...
  5. JPeters

    Autofill method of range class failed

    I read over it and I feel the need to clarify real quick... what I mean is when the Destination Range is AT2:AT2, I get the error. Otherwise it works fine... the range is AT2:ATX (X>1) Thanks, Josh ------------------ 'How to Keep Your Databases from becoming Overwhelming!' thread181-293590...
  6. JPeters

    Autofill method of range class failed

    Only getting this error if the number of lines I need pasted is less than 2. Otherwise it works like a charm. Here's my code: Range("AT2").Select ActiveCell.Formula = "=('RF Engineer Only'!$M$1)" Range("AT2").Select 'Debug.Print "Cell: AT" & RFTabCnt + 1...
  7. JPeters

    VBA Query Export Formatting

    Skip, I sort of got thrown into Excel and I'm learning it sort of based off of my Access knowledge. The learning curve isn't nearly as steep, but it's still slow goings - considering I'm working on about 20 projects at once all in different areas. I devote as much time as I can spare to...
  8. JPeters

    VBA Query Export Formatting

    I thought I had already posted this, it must have not gone through: The VLookup is basically checking another excel book for a 1 to 1 value, when it finds this value (Say matching Project#), it runs some code that populate a field with a hard coded value per the match. I was wondering if...
  9. JPeters

    Open windows explorer from form

    There are two things I'm gathering here. You want to select a directory and have that path returned as a string. You also may want the user to be able to browse for a file and return the entire path including file as a string. Here's the code for the browse dir fuctions - this will return a...
  10. JPeters

    VBA Query Export Formatting

    Once again, great advice. I had thought about doing that. But I managed to get it working another way - if it's not broken, don't fix it. However! -> Here's a Q for you. With this project I'm actually exporting 3 queries into 3 separate excel worksheets under 1 workbook. I have a total of...
  11. JPeters

    VBA Query Export Formatting

    Thanks guys, I ended up looking around on MSDN and found all of the possibilities for NumberFormat. I appreciate all the help guys. You pointed me in the right direction. Actually, you ended up giving me exactly what I needed in the end. Thanks again. -Josh ------------------ 'How to...
  12. JPeters

    VBA Query Export Formatting

    marina9, Thank you for the suggestion. Actually I have it working that way as we speak, but I'm trying to avoid any macros whatsoever. I'd like it all done through Access w/out opening the file until the end user is ready to look at it. So I really need to study up on Pivot Table...
  13. JPeters

    VBA Query Export Formatting

    I'm exporting a query to excel from access and I'm running into the problem if Excel auto-formatting the appended records that I am exporting to an excel file. Basically it's reformating "General" formatted fields to "Time/Date". So when I want to see the number 1, or 94 - Excel creates a...
  14. JPeters

    BizDay From X Day Calculation

    Here's what I came up with. It works like a charm. Public Function lstBizDay(dt As Date, dys As Integer) As Date 'Written by Joshua Peters on 10/10/04 'Designed to check the value of a passed in date and subtract 'the passed in business days. This does not account for holidays on purpose...
  15. JPeters

    BizDay From X Day Calculation

    I scratched that completely. I'm writing a new function that checks for every day inbetween my start date and end date... see's if it's a weekend. Then subtracts 2 days or adds 2 days per weekend. I think in theory that this works. If any of you ahve already written this and want to save me...
  16. JPeters

    BizDay From X Day Calculation

    Hi Trying to write a function to return only biz days from a given date (M-F). I want 4 biz days ago (backwards) from a given date, usually Today's date. I need it to work longer than a period of one week because I need the code to check 4th biz day for the past month or so (backwards)...
  17. JPeters

    Command-Line Parameter Not WOrking

    Quick Q for you guys. I've had this problem in the past, and I got it to work then, however I don't remember how. Trying to make a macro run from command prompt. I'm trying to run a macro that runs a piece of code that exports an excel file, then closes the database Trying to schedule this...
  18. JPeters

    IsMissing Variable

    Yep, you guys are exactly right. After a little bit more research I found out about the variant. And while debugging the code, I saw that it was doing zero length - not missing. Anyways, it works like a charm now. Thanks for everything. -Josh ------------------ -JPeters [COLOR=red]Got a...
  19. JPeters

    IsMissing Variable

    Having a small problem that I cannot seem to figure out. I'm calling a function whose variables are all optional, and when I don't feed it the first variable, it thinks that I've actually fed it the variable. So my IsMissing() statements are returning false when they should be true! Let me...
  20. JPeters

    simple string methods

    Guys, Thank you for the replies... I think I'm going to go ahead and convert the entire street string to uppercase... that way I dont have to check for case sensitive methods.. then im just going to do a search of the first 6 chars of the string to see if they are po box .. . . . I dunno...

Part and Inventory Search
