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Search results for query: *

  1. ricrecar

    Updating an Access database

    Right off the bat I would recommend you start using ADO instead of DAO. Here is some sample code. 'Here is the connection string to the DB: gstrConnect = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Password=; Data Source=c:\inetpub\wwwroot\coupons\db\report" & CompanyNumber & ".mdb...
  2. ricrecar

    Screen Flicker

    Here is one solution using the LockWindowUpdate API. Put this declaration at the top of a module to make it global: Public Declare Function LockWindowUpdate Lib "user32" (ByVal hwndLock As Long) As Long To turn off refresh: LockWindowUpdate frmWhatever.hWnd To turn it back...
  3. ricrecar

    Is there an easy way to convert ACCESS forms to VB

    It's definitely possible. This is a tool which claims to simplify the process. It is geared towards Access97 and VB5, but my guess is that there wouldn't see any problems using Access 2K and VB6. http://hem.passagen.se/eriks/develop/tools.htm
  4. ricrecar

    Help me...it's horrible

    Here's a fast and simple way. ADO recordsets support a GetString method which converts the entire recordset to a string. It's very fast and clean. rsTmp is an ADO recordset populated with some data... Open "c:\temp\export.txt" For Output As #1 Print #1...
  5. ricrecar

    SQL syntax....

    You can use SELECT INTO SQL to do this. It worked for me against Access and SQL Server 2000. This will fail if the object exists, however. cnnADO.Execute "SELECT *, ' ' as Col1,' ' as Col2 INTO tblNew FROM tblOld" What this does is copy all records from tblOld to tblNew and creates...
  6. ricrecar

    Using an Access 2000 table in a VB exe program

    Here's a sample function that will take a SQL statement and return an ADO recordset. It will work for any OLEDB provider, including Jet3.51 or 4 you will use with Access. Substitute your own errorhandling and connection string. The connect string should not be hardcoded. It was changed here for...
  7. ricrecar

    visual basic 6

    Are you referring to an ActiveX Control project which allows you to create a UserControl?
  8. ricrecar

    Connect to Oracle from Access w/ADO (not ODBC)

    This is from VB6. It should work within Access. Dim objConn As ADODB.Connection Dim rsTmp As ADODB.Recordset Dim strConnect as String strConnect="Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle.1;Password=some_password;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=User1;Data Source=DBname" Set rsTmp =...
  9. ricrecar

    Can´t run an Activex Control over my intranet

    You want to run the Package and Deployment Wizard to create an internet package. This will create a .cab file containing the relevant deployment files. The codebase parm should reference the cab file, e.g. CODEBASE="RTFWeb.CAB#version=1,0,0,1" If you need addition info on how to call...

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