I have a bootable windows cds but all are made by me and it can't boot in windows, only in dos.So i am not sure that i made them properly.Can you tell me how to make a bootable windows cd?
How can i make a bootable windows cd and what file must it be - .iso or .bin?I tried with burning a windows .iso file on a cd and make it bootable with Nero but it booted in DOS and i don't have one, i can't work with DOS either.So i want to reinstall windows without logging on in windows 'cause...
Thnak u all for responding me, but u all missundersand it.I'm not english so probably it's my fault.I don't have a floppy win98 disc but if i have to i'll find but that's not the point.I can not choose where to boot from.I have not that option in the bios.The only thing that is close to it is to...
Thank you for responding me inney!
There is no boot from CD option or boot from any device.There is boot options where there is boot order with multibay and hard drive to place in first or second position.There is another menu where i can enable and dissable boot fom CD and boot from floppy.I...
I am having trouble with my compaq evo n800c to boot from my vendor's CD.I can't start my OS cause it prompts for a password and i tried changing the boot order but there is no boot from a CD.There is boot from hard drive and from multibay.I tried with multibay but nothing happened.Please tell...
Thanks for the advice, i must confused or something.I found boot order and there is Notebook Multibay and Notebook Hard drive to place in first and second position.Sorry if i ask a stupid question but which should i place in first position to boot from the CD.I thought that it's Notebook...
Hi, i have a Compaq EVO n800c (portable) and some hacker, i think, puted a password for starting Windows.I wanted to repair Windows with my vendor's CD i got but can't find the boot order in the BIOS menu.Can somebody help me find a solution?
Hi, i have a Compaq EVO n800c (portable) and some hacker, i think, puted a password for starting Windows.I wanted to repair Windows with my vendor's CD i got but can't find the boot order in the BIOS menu.Can somebody help me find a solution?
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