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Search results for query: *

  1. Brycspain

    DNS A and Pointer records

    I'm trying to script some DNS Atype and PTRtype data entries. I've thoroughly studied the MSDN Library createInstanceFromPropertydata method and queried DNS for pointer and A records for precise examples and every time I run this script, I recieve a Generic Failure error on the first instance...
  2. Brycspain

    Option Explict ??

    Comment out all the On Error Resume Next statements so you can see the error messages.
  3. Brycspain

    Array Input Filtering

    I tried this and I received an error message. Is there a way to go from 6 elements to 7 and back to 6 again? Will redimming the array work in this instance? [code] Const ForReading = 1 Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")sInputFile = "c:\Userupdatetest.csv" Set oFile =...
  4. Brycspain

    Array Input Filtering

    Thanks PHV, is there a way to get rid of the quotes this places on the last array string? Thanks in advance.
  5. Brycspain

    Array Input Filtering

    Thanks PHV, that worked perfectly. Is it possible to remove comma strings after the 6th comma? For example, my last column (title)contains comma's and this screws with split function. I looked into doing this in excel however, I don't want to load excel on my batch server. Thank you in advance.
  6. Brycspain

    Array Input Filtering

    Think I'm on the right track here. I found the filter function and have been playing around with it some. The problem I'm having now is, when there is a NULL value in the sLogon portion of the array, it fills in with the sCompany and on down the line. I then receive an error message saying...
  7. Brycspain

    Array Input Filtering

    I'm reading a CSV file into an array however, some of the values in the csv file can be either NULL or - values and they can show up randomly in any one of the positions. I don't want these values populated within the properties of my user's accounts. Is there a way to filter these values out...
  8. Brycspain

    wget with credentials

    Thank you PHV.
  9. Brycspain

    wget with credentials

    I'm trying to use wget to strip a jpeg camera image from an external web page every 30 seconds and I want do this 10 hours per day. I know wget will place the image in the same folder it runs from however, I want to rename the images 1 to 1200 and place them in a folder with the current day's...
  10. Brycspain

    Ctrl-C out of a Continuous Ping in Powershell

    Mark, You're correct...sorry again for the confusion. I'm in the dark ages and still using Windows XP 32-bit if you can believe it so UAC isnt my issue. I will incorporate the new code in my script. Thank you very much for your time!
  11. Brycspain

    Ctrl-C out of a Continuous Ping in Powershell

    Mark, Thanks for the code. What does that do to fix my problem when typing ping -t www.yahoo.com in a Powershell window and not being able to Ctrl-C to stop the pings? Is your code something I have to do in my powershell profile? I'm not sure what you are telling me.
  12. Brycspain

    Ctrl-C out of a Continuous Ping in Powershell

    It's funny how you think you are being clear and when you look back at your question, it wasn't clear at all. I'm setting up some continuous ping scripts within Powershell and as I try to stop the pings I'm not able to use any of the shortcuts I've used in the past i.e., Ctrl-C (main one)...
  13. Brycspain

    Ctrl-C out of a Continuous Ping in Powershell

    Probably the wrong forum for this but I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem too. Or this by design?
  14. Brycspain

    Feeding a Foreach Loop Into A Function

    I know how you feel Mr, I'm basically forcing myself to learn Powershell. Don Jones is coming out with a new book pretty soon that should make it easier.
  15. Brycspain

    Feeding a Foreach Loop Into A Function

    I worked on this all day but only after I posted asking for help did I realize one more thing and I figured it out. Just being around you guys makes me smarter =) # function Get-DistinguishedName { # Param($username) # $ads = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher([ADSI]'')...
  16. Brycspain

    Feeding a Foreach Loop Into A Function

    I see the first problem already, the function has to be defined first before you can call on it. I did try to reverse the code but had no luck with that too.
  17. Brycspain

    Feeding a Foreach Loop Into A Function

    Markdmac sent me this really nice function that converts the sAMAccountName into a Distinguished name. I have a text file with 600 or so usernames that I would like to feed into this function using a foreach loop and send the output to the screen. I am having no luck finding examples on the...
  18. Brycspain


    That worked, thanks EB...I guess the command really needs to be within the ( ) and not within the " Since objserver was outside the quotes it didn't look right.
  19. Brycspain


    I create a lot of websites in my environment and would like to use a script to run my setspn commands. I can do it like this however, it defeats the purpose unless I can inject variables with input boxes or arrays. objShell.Run("%COMSPEC% /k Echo Y| setspn.exe -A http/testsite server1", 1...
  20. Brycspain

    Split Function

    Thanks for the quick response. I'm trying to do 2 things really...I'm attaching to a folder using the getfolder method and iterating through each file in the folder. Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strCurrentFilePath) Set colFiles = objFolder.Files For Each objFile In colFiles so something...

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