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Search results for query: *

  1. StevieK

    App.LogEvent error -2147024882 (System Error &H80004005 (-2147467259).

    Hi all, I knocked up a project and decided to use App.LogEvent to log errors, so I set up the event log: Call App.StartLogging(sUnusedFileName, vbLogToNT) ... So that I could then log event information (arbitrary strings) to the Windows NT Event Log by doing: Call...
  2. StevieK

    Connecting to .BTR files (Pervasive?) with CR 8.5

    The DDF files you need are Data Dictionary Files... They define the structure of Btrieve/Pervasive.SQL files. Some of these are called: Comment.DDF Field.ddf Fieldext.DDF File.ddf Index.ddf .. Of which, you'll only need Field.ddf, File.ddf and Index.ddf. Ask the application vendor to supply...
  3. StevieK

    "On Error Resume Next" not working with "Unload" Statement

    I tried this in VB6... On Error Resume Next proceeds through the Unload statement with no problem. This was therefore just a bug in VB5. Stephen King Systems Developer and Support Analyst Infoplex Ltd.
  4. StevieK

    "On Error Resume Next" not working with "Unload" Statement

    I noticed something a bit strange in our VB5 project today... What follows is a mock up example showing the problem.... I made a little mistake by forgetting to set a Form object, and ended up getting the classic Runtime Error 91 ("Object variable or With block variable not set"), which is fair...
  5. StevieK

    Loading a saved file!

    Hi WastinAway, In case you didn't manage to fix your error... The line you highlighted line will not execute if the input file is empty, so I'm assuming your input file is corrupted or you have a blank line in it or something... If you want to trap for specific errors then you're best bet is...
  6. StevieK

    Form change

    Hi Kim, When you use the For Each ... Next statement, you'll iterate through each of the objects in the collection you specify... In this case, you'll get each of the objects on Form1. Because you're only interested in TextBox objects, you should use a typeof expression to select only those...
  7. StevieK

    Loading a saved file!

    I think the problem you've got is that when you're reading the values from your "word document" (most people would refer to the file you're using as a "text file"), you're not adding them together. Instead, you're putting each one into your txtruntotal text box and then writing over them again...
  8. StevieK

    Big-endian vs. Little-endian

    Just noticed this: These are the functions I think you should be using... public static float Float.intBitsToFloat(int bits) public static double Double.longBitsToDouble(long bits) (Which were both available since JDK 1.0) The Float and Double objects provide the very functions that you...
  9. StevieK

    Big-endian vs. Little-endian

    Just noticed something: In that extra-long line of bits, I've used b0 as the least significant bit, but the formula I copied in uses b1 as the least significant bit. [I always call bit zero 'bit zero'] Anyway... I hope that helps you, Stephen p.s. If it's a double it'll be 64-bits long - the...
  10. StevieK

    Big-endian vs. Little-endian

    Ah, right: I see what your problem is... You can't do bit operations on floats in Java. [If someone knows different, please correct me on that] I wouldn't exactly call this a Big-Endian vs. Little-Endian problem, though - but that's not going to help you much. I'd say it's more to do with the...
  11. StevieK

    How to store the pgm file open into buffer using "strcat"

    PGM - portable graymap file format (apparently). Anyway, it really doesn't matter what type of file it is... If you just want to put the whole thing into a string using stream I/O routines, you can do it like this... rewind (pFile); // allocate memory to contain the whole file. buffer =...
  12. StevieK

    VB-Like project in Visual C++?

    Yes.... But it's a tad more tricky than in VB. On the upside, you'll find out how windows actually works: By passing Window Messages around all over the place. It's actually not too difficult: I found a good tutorial on Win32 programming at http://www.winprog.net/tutorial/ There's two main...
  13. StevieK

    Retrieve Hierarchical Data, (How can I...?)

    Thanks petersJazz: That is the way to select the branch levels... However, I wanted to make all this happen in a single SQL statement, because I can't store procedures on the MySQL database and wanted all of the levels of the tree together, so I could sort them. So here's how I did it...
  14. StevieK

    Retrieve Hierarchical Data, (How can I...?)

    Thanks r937. Good call: I'm wasting a table there. Unfortunately, I'm not using Oracle, or SQL Server (in which I could probably write a procedure to build up this result set). I'm using PHP/MySQL. Thanks petersJazz: I know how easy tree programming is... But I'm stuck with a PHP/MySQL system...
  15. StevieK

    query of beginner

    Well, I think it would be best to figure your way around the standard AWT first of all, (which even works on the Microsoft Virtual Machine). After that, maybe have a look at applets, which shouldn't be too difficult once you know about slider bars and buttons and the like (since you can use all...
  16. StevieK

    Button and icon prob

    I guess it's not just an Applet thing then. Glad I could help, Stephen
  17. StevieK

    Retreive Hierarchical Data (How can I...?)

    p.s. I just noticed that there's an ANSI SQL forum, so I've added this post there too, since I (think/hope) that the answer won't need to be tied too closely to MySQL (athough why people insist on making all these different DBMSs so different is beyond me). The ANSI SQL post is at...
  18. StevieK

    Retrieve Hierarchical Data, (How can I...?)

    I want to make up a (dynamic) HTML page of hyperlinks to look something like this: |--www.ask.com |--www.google.com | |--www.google.com/search?q=cheese | | |--www.google.com/search?q=cheese+brie | | |--www.google.com/search?q=cheese+cheddar |...
  19. StevieK

    Button and icon prob

    ... Well, if it works with the full path, but not with the relative path, then you can't be using the correct relative path. I'm not sure if Java cares whether you use / or \ to separate directory names, but you could certainly try playing with that: Remeber that on a Windows machine, it's \ to...
  20. StevieK

    Cannot Compile

    Well, what I was going to say was... Open "Control Panel"->"Java Plugin" and hunt about for some sort of "Cache Classes" checkbox, however I appear to have a few versions of the plugin kicking about, and the nearest I can see is a "Clear JAR Cache" button...

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