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Search results for query: *

  • Users: vatik
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  1. vatik

    Refresh Page when Frame is Reloaded

    For example: index.asp ---------------------------- <html> <body> <%Response.Write(session("test"))%> <iframe src="iframe.asp"</iframe> </body> </html> ---------------------------- iframe.asp ---------------------------- <% If Request.QueryString("submitButton") <> "" Then Session("test") =...
  2. vatik

    Refresh Page when Frame is Reloaded

    I'm sorry this actually is more of an HTML question, but I am assuming some of you may know the answer. I have an inline frame that im using to alter data. However, when the form inside the inline frame is submitted, it just refreshes the frame. I need the submit button inside of inline...
  3. vatik

    Sql - Dual identity (autonumber) columns

    Thanks for the replies everyone. I ended up doing it with asp I sorted the sql by one field and ordered by another in desc. Then i made a variable that took the currentRs and incremented the value of its field by one. I also made an optional seed value for starting the numbering at a...
  4. vatik

    Sql - Dual identity (autonumber) columns

    I need a table with the following structure. Id Item_Number Item_Description 1 3000 asdfasdfasdf 2 3001 asdfasdfasdf 3 3002 asdfasdfasdf 4 3003 asdfasdfasdf 5 3004 asdfasdfasdf 6 3005...
  5. vatik

    ASP execute on click

    Is there a way other than using a submit form to have an asp command execute when a link is clicked on? For example: <td class="menu"><a href="<%Session("Order")="Project_Number"%>">Project Number</a> </td> However, this example just executes all of the asp commands, rather than executing it...
  6. vatik

    Page Redirection

    I am trying to make a conditional loop that executes code based on a codition, or will redirect to another page. Response.redirect is not valid in my case because it must be used in the html header.. if anyone would assit it would be greatly appreciated. ie. If x = 2 Then...
  7. vatik

    Lock Files (*.ldb) are Hindering my Style

    No novell is installed. Using a WinNT 4.0 server running IIS 4.0... I know its just with the asp... there are no problems when opened throught access. the table closes. Thats whats getting me. I wish i could just disable ldb all togather and i wouldn't have this problem
  8. vatik

    Lock Files (*.ldb) are Hindering my Style

    I have setup a set of asp scripts to handle database interactivity throught a local netword. All databases (created in ms access) are hosted on the server. I have several different applications for these scripts. The problem lies when using the scripts to access the database, throught the I_USR...
  9. vatik

    MS Access and Lock Files (*.ldb)

    I have setup a set of asp scripts to handle database interactivity throught a local netword. All databases (created in ms access) are hosted on the server. I have several different applications for these scripts. The problem lies when using the scripts to access the database, throught the I_USR...
  10. vatik

    Urgent: Access database locked

    Yes i am using recordsets, but i am using rs.movenext in my loops. The database works just fine on the web, i can do everything i wish. The problem is that the lock file doesn't disappear. When you open it up, it list the server name with the username admin multiple times
  11. vatik

    Urgent: Access database locked

    I am running iis 4.0 w/ odbc. When a internet user logs into the database they are able to do anything.. all functionality is there. However, the problem being is that this user creates a lock file for the database and it will not purge after the user logs out of the database. The lock file...
  12. vatik

    Access DB Date Property

    Do you know of a function that calls the date property from the database file? I would like it to say ie. &quot;Database last updated on 10.24.2001&quot; Thanks for the help
  13. vatik

    How to pass a variable from a form to a new page??

    <form action=&quot;page_to_be_sent_to.asp&quot; method=&quot;post&quot;> <input type=&quot;whatever&quot; name=&quot;dog&quot;> </form> that will send the value of &quot;dog&quot; to page_to_be_sent_to.asp there you can access it throught request(&quot;dog&quot;) so if you selected...
  14. vatik

    ADO Objects in ASP

    That did the trick, I never thought of that. Thanks guys.
  15. vatik

    ADO Objects in ASP

    After adding a new record using the ADO recordset, I cannot get the id (autonumbered in access2000 database) to return a value. I have looked through code snippets and it seems to work for them. If anyone knows of any issues concerning this, or an alternate way to accomplish this, it would be...
  16. vatik

    ASP/VB_Script Quickie

    Is it possible to call asp sub functions from a vb script? If so i'm having trouble ie. <Script language=&quot;vbscript&quot;> Test() ' an asp sub function that has database calls in it </script>
  17. vatik

    Asp w/ onlick

    Yeah thats exactly what im trying to do. I am using as to display database information in a form. I want to have a form with information that can be modified and then have a modify button to execute the sql code for updating a record. I am having one hell of a time figuring this out so i...
  18. vatik

    Asp w/ onlick

    I am looking to active an asp function through a html onclick handler. Below i have posted code to help show what im thinking, but if anyone could help make it work... that would be just swell. <form action=&quot;record.asp&quot; method=&quot;link&quot;> <input type=&quot;button&quot...
  19. vatik

    Access Database Variable Problems

    Using VBScripts (not by choice but oh well) Dim num num = CInt(Request3465) If IsObject(Session(&quot;RECEIVED_REPAIRS_rs&quot;)) Then set rs = Session(&quot;RECEIVED_REPAIRS_rs&quot;) Else sql = &quot;SELECT * FROM [REPAIR] WHERE [RMA#]=&quot; &num ... [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access...
  20. vatik

    Access Database Variable Problems

    Im trying to access a particular field of the db with the statement sql = &quot;SELECT * FROM [REPAIR] WHERE [RMA#] = variable&quot; and it won't let me get away with it sql = &quot;SELECT * FROM [REPAIR] WHERE [RMA#] = 4551 &quot; that works just fine, but i need to put a variable in it...

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