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Search results for query: *

  1. avolkert

    Setting default in combo box to first value in list

    Lots of times, the underlying box is based on a table. If it is, you can simply use a Dlookup function to set the value in the form's Load Event. Me.MyComboBox = DLookup("[THIS_FIELD]","IN_THIS_TABLE",[THIS_FIELD] is not null") You can also experiment with...
  2. avolkert

    DoCmd.Hourglass True Not Working

    MS Access 2000 running on 2000-Pro, XP-Pro & XP-Home (Same issue on all platforms) DoCmd.Hourglass True isnt' working on a form. The VBA code for the form is a little on the "Overly-massive" side to post here, but the highlights are: - Timer Event running (TimerInterval set to 5 min) -...
  3. avolkert

    Copying Data from One Suform to Another

    If rst.RecordCount = 0 Then MsgBox "No Records, so quit" Exit Sub End If rst.MoveFirst Do While Not rst.EOF ... (do your stuff here) ... rst.MoveNext Loop Alan J. Volkert Fleet Services GE Commercial Finance Capital Solutions (World's longest company title) Eden Prairie, MN
  4. avolkert

    Auto Totalling Field on subform in Access 2007

    You might try doing this programatically ... the subform totals (i.e. =sum[MyField]) only work on straight data ... as far as I know. You can't, for example, have a field with a calculation in it and then total that field in the subform. Example: You can total UNITS_ORDERED, but you can't...
  5. avolkert

    Browse for file

    #1 Be wary of having to rely on controls and tools that may (obviously) not be standard in your environment. You'll have to distribute and install and maintain all of that. #2 The FileSearch object is very useful ... but it can really slow things down ... it's not too bad if you can count on...
  6. avolkert

    show box on form open based on combo box

    SYNPERX3 has a good question/suggestion. I'm inclined to suggest, depending on what the form is doing and when, that you might want to examine the form's ON CURRENT property. Esentially, that property (code attached, of course) runs whenever the record changes. I don't know ... this is a...
  7. avolkert

    Option Buttons

    For the TEXT boxes, you have two events that you might consider using. They are the ON ENTER and ON EXIT events. Example: On a form, you have an OPTION FRAME (buttons, checkboxes, whatever) named OPTION_BOX and it has two choices. OPTION_BOX +-----------------------+ | O Box 1 was selected...
  8. avolkert

    Processing If vs Select

    Wow, Kuddo's to MajP ! ;-) Aside from the technical aspects of speed (measured in nano-seconds) ... let's not overly confuse the issue here. Efficiency is all about OVERALL Efficiency. Example: How many times have we all had to adjust or modify someone else's code or even our own after...
  9. avolkert

    Stat Question

    There are lots of ways of doing this stuff. One is to flag the outlier based on the the number of Standard Deviations it is away from the mean. In the example below, I used 1.5 Standard Deviations ... You can cut and paste this code as a new little program, run it step by step and see the...
  10. avolkert

    Access 2000 Datasheet Scrollbar position

    Try Linking the form to the master with an invisible text box. Before updating the child (i.e. when you know what record you're on, stick a value of a unique field in that record into an invisible text box on both the child and master. When the form is rebuilt, it should jump to that record...
  11. avolkert

    Problem Automating SQL

    Looks to me like you're confusing Double Quotes with Single quotes. VBA recognizes double quotes around text strings (single quotes are enclosed in the text string) and work just fine in SQL. Dim MYSQL as String MYSQL = "select COMPANY, COMPANY_ADDR from MYCORPTABLE where (COMPANY_CODE = '" &...
  12. avolkert

    MINOR Q: select Control Name and Event from VBA drop-down

    Well, you could just start typing it. If the object exists on the form VB will recognize it. But then again, what did you expect from Billy-Boy ? ;-) Alan J. Volkert Fleet Services GE Commercial Finance Capital Solutions (World's longest company title) Eden Prairie, MN
  13. avolkert

    Access version Compatibility

    I'm in the same boat. If you go to the Microsoft site, it's a problem with VB6E.DLL ... essentially, you CANNOT import a form or module with code associated with it. There is no successful workaround. Microsoft claims that SP3 should fix it, but it doesn't. Their suggestion ? "Revert to a...
  14. avolkert

    Creating fields heading

    You can try using DDE to both send and get data ... this example sends data to Excel -- Private Sub XLS_TOOL(XLSFILE As String) Shell "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\excel.exe" & _ " " & Chr(34) & _ XLSFILE & _ Chr(34), vbMaximizedFocus DoEvents...
  15. avolkert

    Compact and Repair Database

    Compacting is very important -- Especially with larger databases. Access NEVER deletes anything, only the record pointer. In otherwords, try this: Make a little-bitty database and close it. Look at the file size. Then load a boat-load of data into it and close it again. Note the huge file...
  16. avolkert

    Refresh Form

    Look at the form's On_Current event and do a me.Repaint or me.Requery ... It may solve your problem. Alan J. Volkert Fleet Services GE Commercial Finance Capital Solutions (World's longest company title) Eden Prairie, MN
  17. avolkert

    MINOR Q: select Control Name and Event from VBA drop-down

    #1: Turn off the wizard (the little majic wand thing). When it's on and you select Build Event, Access guesses at what you want to do. #2: When the wizard is off, you should right click on the control and view properties, then "build" with the "..." button in the event you want...
  18. avolkert

    update question

    You can't do this. The last increment of the Autonumber field is stored with the table. The only way to reset the autonumber is to use VB to do so, but then, what was once a 2 may end up being a 17 or vice versa. Bottom Line: You should not use autonumbers. They not worth the hassle. I...
  19. avolkert

    Problem with the Format Function

    What is "GlobalInvoiceDate" ? Is it a Date Value or a text string ?
  20. avolkert

    Need to get Access 2000 Form Tag Values for all forms

    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you ... The answer worked wonderfully. FYI though ... you can't switch the current form's view in the middle of VB code (fine, this is the update form anyway). This works wonderfully and very fast too: For Each FRM In Application.CurrentProject.AllForms If...

Part and Inventory Search
