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Search results for query: *

  1. RobNisbet

    Oracle stored procedure command boolean parameter

    Please can someone have a look at this ! There must be someone out there who has used a boolean parameter ? Thankx!
  2. RobNisbet

    Oracle stored procedure command boolean parameter

    I am using a command object in asp to call a db (oracle) stored proc.I have hit a stumbling block with a boolean data type parameter tho.. PROCEDURE x (.... p_2 in BOOLEAN,...) has a boolean parameter...but trying all sorts of ways of passing eg. Cmd.Parameters.Append Cmd...
  3. RobNisbet

    SET command

    Stranger still .. but resolved set /A M= 8 set /A M= ( %M% +1) echo Month is %M% *this said invalid lala set /A M= 8+1 echo Month is %M% *but this worked set /A M= 8 set /A M= %M% +1 *And this worked !! which is the one I needed ! BUT when I put the string 08 from the date into M it doesnt...
  4. RobNisbet

    SET command

    It sure is.... about the set command in isolation though .. set /A %M= 8 works fine set /A %M= (8+1) gives the error. Is that the same with you ? Cheers
  5. RobNisbet

    SET command

    Hi, Thanks for responding ....but I get a Missing Operard error, and M is blank. Any ideas why ? (or an easier way of doing the whole thing?!) Thanks !
  6. RobNisbet

    SET command

    Hi I have a little piece of a batch file which works out the number of last month...however I am struggling to get the set command to work properly to remove 1 from the number. Anyone able to make it work ? Thanks.. for /F "tokens=2-4 delims=/- " %%A in ('date/T') do ( set MO=%%B...
  7. RobNisbet

    select user from dual ?

    Thanks, but sorted now - it was the characterset in 9i not supported. We are moving to 6i which works OK!
  8. RobNisbet

    select user from dual

    The 9i DB has charset WE8ISO8859P15 (Euro compliant), whereas the old DB has WE8ISO8859P1, but I don't see why this causes a problem since I am not using the new characters, just selecting username from dual ?? Would the best solution be to upgrade Oracle client to 9.2 ? Thanks again Rob
  9. RobNisbet

    select user from dual

    I am using forms unfortunately, charset is the same ! Cheers !
  10. RobNisbet

    select user from dual ?

    Hi, I am just testing my forms 6 app against a new 9i database (works fine on 8i). I don't get far - the following simple proc causes a ORA-24365 error (error in conversion of a multi-byte character) This works OK in 8i, plus works OK in SQL*PLUS in 9i - so why does Forms not like it in 9i...
  11. RobNisbet

    select user from dual

    Hi, I am just testing my forms 6 app against a new 9i database (works fine on 8i). I don't get far - the following simple proc causes a ORA-24365 error (error in conversion of a multi-byte character) This works OK in 8i, plus works OK in SQL*PLUS in 9i - so why does Forms not like it in 9i...
  12. RobNisbet

    Last working day of the month

    Hi, will that work inside a dbms_job command ? At the moment I use exec dbms_job.isubmit(1,my_code;',(trunc(last_day(sysdate))+18/24), 'trunc(last_day(sysdate))+18/24',false); I think that it needs to be a single line function based statement (but annoyingly not decode!) Sem, so you mean...
  13. RobNisbet

    Last working day of the month

    Thing is, cannot use decode in the dbms_job.isubmit. Any ideas without using decode ? ORA-06550: line 2, column 53: PLS-00204: function or pseudo-column 'DECODE' may be used inside a SQL statement ORA-06550: line 2, column 2:
  14. RobNisbet

    Last working day of the month

    Ah, clever. Thanks!
  15. RobNisbet

    Last working day of the month

    Hi, I am trying to run a job on the last working day of the month - I currently use trunc(last_day(sysdate))+18/24 as the code, which finds the last day of the month fine. The problem occurs when the last day of the month is a Saturday or Sunday - if that occurs, I need to then bring the job...
  16. RobNisbet

    Preloading of images

    Great thankx.
  17. RobNisbet

    Preloading of images

    Hi ppl, Please can someone knowledgeable help..... I have a set of pages, which all use the same set of images. I have noticed that there is javascript that preloads them in each and every page. Does this mean that rather than use the browser cache, the pages are forced to retreive and save the...
  18. RobNisbet

    Total of a RS field

    Thats the badger cheers for that. total=total+Cint(oracrs("nbc_premium")) worked. Strange tho - how come it needs casting into an int when the field type should be int already? is there a property to show what type an RS field is? Thanks, nice work for a Friday afternoon....... R
  19. RobNisbet

    Total of a RS field

    Thanks Durug, but tried that and no change. Total was null and didnt show up on screen. Put total=0 at the top and I got a line of zero's. If you replace the line total=total+oracrs("xxx") with total=total+1 no problems. The nbc_premium is a number(10,2) in the DB, so should be OK...
  20. RobNisbet

    SQL Insert - Two Records Added with 1 Submit

    I had this problem if a user pressed the submit button twice whilst waiting, or by mistake. Try adding this and see what happens. I now use a submit once js function and a hidden form field like this anyway on all forms. add: onsubmit="submitonce(this)" in the form/button code add...

Part and Inventory Search
