I've recently taken over a installation of BOE 3.1
Most reports seem to run but some crystal reports refuse to run at all and timeout(Timeout. [RCIRAS0244] ) or if I schedule them they will proccess indefenatly until I reset the sever(and then it will finish proccessing almost instantly but...
Select 'Created' as type, DocumentChangeRequest.RequestCreatedDate as alldates, DocumentChangeRequest.RequestID,DocumentChangeRequest.Status
From DocumentChangeRequest
Where DocumentChangeRequest.Status <> 'Withdrawn' and
DocumentChangeRequest.RequestCreatedDate >= DateAdd(Year, 0...
this is my exact selection formula
{DocumentChangeRequest.Status} <> "Withdrawn" and
{DocumentChangeRequest.RequestCreatedDate} in dateserial(year({?Run Date}),month({?Run Date})-17,1) to {?Run Date} or {DocumentChangeRequest.RequestClosedDate} in dateserial(year({?Run Date}),month({?Run...
basically right now I'm selecting the last 18 months of requsts created and trying to chart when the complete >though I've been considering changing that selection but that works for now<
the problem is I dont have a uniques field that creates the 18 months seperate no.
its crystal xi I want to go back 18 months with the months down the bottom then 3 lines (or bars doesnt matter I can change between the 2) One that shows Number opened per month (wich is one field opendate) Number closed (closeddate) and number that basically have no close date.
I am working on a chart that shows 3 values per month number opened number closed and number left open, for an 18 month period. I have tried a few things and I cant figure out how to properly format this data to accomplish what I need to do.. anyone have any ideas?
I have one more question this is a report I walked into and it took me long enough to figure out the report logic that was written. What it does now is take 4 week forcast from this long field converts it then figures out the current week (based off current month) steps foward that many places...
I will try your suggestions but let me clear up what I am talking about
I have multiple columns I want to key off the part # collum (wich I already have but then I have this quote column data is generally like this
Part# can have multiple quote years 2006,2007,2008 etc.. All I care about is...
I have a field that has a long string (52) collum delimited items in it and I'm trying to build a forcasting report but the problem I have is when it runs into the next year I'm having trouble retrieving it so I am wondering if there is a way to merge the fields together
IE there are to lines...
is completed i
if({@CompletedCount}>0) then 1 else 0
// Counter to see if is completed
if({TaskName}="CloseRequest") then 1 else 0
sorry my term is off I ment forumala
clockstarts is
Minimum ({CAPA_BE_8_0.cr_CreatedDate}, {CAPA_BE_8_0.CapaID})
clock stops is
if {@IsCompleted}>0 then Minimum ({CAPA_BE_8_0.cr_CompletedDate}, {CAPA_BE_8_0.TaskName})
crystal xi and the formula
if ({@ClockStops}> DateTime (1900,01,01))
then totext(Year ({@ClockStops}),"00") +"/"+totext(Month ({@ClockStops}),"00")
else "Incomplete"
I dont want the incomplete part to show in the graph
I need to setup a group on a 13week rolling date field problem I am having is I dont have the full date field in the data source + I cant modify my sql tables to add a date collum where I need it the solution I came up with I can carry out if I am able to group on weeks so what I need to do is...
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