Windows XP Pro
I installed the CS2 Creative Suite then downloaded and ran all of the programs'updates. The Illustrator CS2 update failed with the following message.
"Unable to update AIRes.dll. The file on your system does not match the original Illustrator 12.0 file expected and it cannot be...
Yes there is. I read the Help for this but it does not seem to be anything that will be of help. I did however run the Release to Layers, both with and without the Shift key held down as explained in the help below. This created over 8,000 layers!
Thanks for continuing to assist me.
You may be on to something here. I also have Illustrator ver 9 but I am using ver 8 on this map project because it runs much faster than 9.
I opened my file in ver 9 and there indeed are many sub layers. The main layer by some default took on the name "Layer 50". Nested under that is another...
I feel real stupid. It's not like I just started using Illustrator, been using it for years. Unfortunately I did not catch the probem before I saved the file. I have no idea how I did this.
I have already started to rebuild the job from scratch.
Thanks for relplying.
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