I have the following in a subform in datasheet view
The form is called PeopleInsuranceSubform
ContactID(Auto# NonPK)
I also have a command button called Edit which has the following
Private Sub Edit_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Edit_Click
Basically I'm trying to create a list box filter on a form so when user clicks on a patient in the Patient demo tab
Insurances related to the patient will appear on the insurance tab in the list box
I have 2 page tabs on a form one called Patient Demo and the other called Insurances. The...
I have a combo box called Primary which has Yes/NO
I have a Text Box called Text50
If user selects Yes From the combo box then the Text Box will show P
If user selects No From the Combo Box then the Text Box will show S
Any Ideas
I have a tbl called people has the following
I also have a tbl called charges with a combo box called person ID so when i click the add charge command button on tbl people the person id from the...
I tried what you specified but still dosnt work. Here is the code i have in the bill to combo box
SELECT [tblPeople].[PersonID], [tblPeople].[PrimaryInsurance], [tblPeople].[SecondaryInsurance] FROM [tblPeople];
I have the following table called people
PersonID(pk Autonumber)
I have a form called add charge and on that form i have a combo box billed to Which looks up people table personID, PrimaryInsurance,Secondary Insurance...
Is there any why i can double click the Insurance Name in the List box and insert that Name into the Primary Or secondary Insurance Text Fields on the form called frmPatients
I do not want to use combo Boxs
I have a main form call frmpatients which is the loaded form
on that form i have 2...
I have a table and frm called Insurance which has the following
Insurance Name
I have a table and form called ProviderIds
Provider(lookup Combo Box)
SELECT Providers.ProviderID, Providers.[First Name] & " " & Providers.[Last Name] & " " & Providers.Mi FROM Providers...
I have a combo box on a form called Insurance
which looks up a table call tbladdinsurance
Insurance Name
Instead of just selecting one record frm tbladdinsurance I want to select all records
any ideas
I have a list box which looks up ProviderID(PK), First Name, Last Name, MI from the tbl called tbladdprovider
i'm trying to create a double click event whereby when I double clik providers name it will take me to the form called frmaddprovider which will display provider information.
I have...
I have a main form called IRI-Form
On that form i have
PersonID(AutoNumberPK)Last Name First Name Middle Name
I have a command button called Add Charge which open a pop up form called frmAddCharges
In the frmaddcharges I have a text box called Patient
In the control source i have the...
I have a table and form called patient info
All the following fields are in one record
Main form called patient info
Account#(pk)Auto Number
Last Name
First Name
I also i have a command button on main form called primary subscriber info which opens a pop up...
I have a form called subscriber info 1
I have the following fields
Last Name txt
First Name txt
MI txt
Address txt
City txt
State txt
Zip txt
Gender(option Group) (1=Male 2=Female)
I have 2 command buttons
One called copy from patient info- which...
I have a combo box called gender using the wizard i used i will type the values i want. I used male, female. which stores the information into a table called patient info under a field called gender
How do you set the default property so it would be male evertime a user adds patient record...
Okay i have a table and form called patient info. On the form i have a command button called
Add Payments. which opens the payment form.
I have a form called payments on that form it has Patient Account, payment date check #Check Amount, Payment Type
I also have a subform called Payments2...
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