Thanks for the response! I will study on that idea that the parameters are either a single value or an array of values.
I had already tried the indexing and even adjusted the query to pull fewer records but the performance was still poor when selecting all.
Hi There,
I am working in SSRS 2008. I have a parameter to pull 'All' of a set of records or it will pull one. What it won't do is allow someone to select two or more. It is either one or All. I found the standard 'Select All' was killing my report -- like 5 minutes. This 'All' workaround runs...
Well, I changed the code and the procedure ran but it is still taking 15 minutes to pull the data into the report. This maybe a crystal issue as it is running as a subreport. Thanks for your ideas.
I am converting the code right now but am confused by the line:
(SELECT descr FROM FDC_Descriptions WHERE type = 6021 and code = V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals.ecgectopics) as ecgectopics, glucose
The additional glucose is throwing me off.
Am I to insert:
ecgectopics.descr as ecgectopics, glucose...
Hi Markros,
Thanks for the ideas! Why would explicity specifying the columns speed up the processing? I think I can do it but was wondering what that mattered as opposed to using the * symbol.
Hi All,
I have a stored procedure and am having to use it in a Crystal 7.0 report on Windows XP. The report doesn't like the way the procedure pulls so I had to alter the stored procedure: I took the table that it was pulling from "Trip_Vitals" and created a view "V_CUST_LLA_Trip_Vitals" that...
Hi There,
I read that in Crystal 10 you can create a new line in a string series using chr(10) or chr(13).
Is there anything that works for Crystal 7.0?
'Cancellation Reasons Count' + chr(10) +
'Cancelled by FD PTA: ' & {#CancelbyFDPTA}
Thanks for the help Ian.
--Ok, I tried putting the @part1 into the details along with the global variable -- it did not like any array number except 1:
stringvar array map := split({CorrectLargeIndex_.Ext# Map Page},";");
if ubound(map) >= 1 then
Hi There,
Using Crystal XI, Windows XP
I've been reading through the posts and have had some luck with (@reset,@accum,@display).
I have for fields: StreetName, PrimKey, BigPage, SmallPage
The data example:
Group: 1st Street
1st Street; 21976; 3104; 2073;
1st Street; 21972; 3104...
Hi There,
I need to take a datetime and add 7 hours to it to give me a new datetime in Crystal 7.0. Such as datetime 8/26/2008 20:00:00 and convert to 7 hours ahead: 8/27/2008 03:00:00.
I know versions 8.0 and higher have the DateAdd ability -- what can be done in 7.0? I haven't been able to...
Hi there,
I am working in Crystal 8.5, Win XP, but have to save down to 7.0 for our software reports -- RescueNet. I was using DateDiff and this was causing an error -- not in crystal 8.5, but in the RescueNet. So, I used the following formula instead of using DateDiff to get the seconds...
Hi there,
I'm fairly new to Access 2003 and am used to Crystal. I have a table of billed accounts (Acct, DateFrom, DateThru, Rebill, DropDate) -- there are other fields but these are the main ones.
The options for Rebill are null and R2. Null means a first-time billing. This table covers...
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