Hey jus, i found the problem and you were 100% correct. I opened the chasis and looked at the flash, they had it seated in bank 1 instead of bank 0 as the cisco website suggested and you pointed out. Thanks alot you really helped and now i dont' have to make that nasty call/email to the vendor...
Wow thanks alot jus, I will most certainly check inside the chasis and then contact the vendor, its funny my intial purchase from this vendor was the 3620 and he stated in an email that he would upgrade to the 3640 because the 3620's ios was corrupted, lol and now it seems this 3640 he sent is...
Hello, I just recieved a used 3640 router from ebay and when i powered it up this is the message i recieved can anyone help tried some show command but it says show not found, nor version commands. ACCESSSERVER con0 is now available
Hello group,I hope I'm posting in the right area.Does anyone know how to setup your lab equipment over the internet so that others may login and practice on them. Just like some of these sites where you can get free practice time on someone's routers/switches. I want to setup my own...
hello i recently put new flash mem into my 2521 router to upgrade.Now i have no usable interfaces and it boots to boot mode i.e frameswitch (boot)#. I'm using one of my routers as a tftp server.Is there a way for me to do this upgrade via the serial interface. The 2521 doesn't have ethernet just...
Bospruell thanks for that my pc is not directly plugged into a phone jack but through a linksys wireless router.I thought maybe i could by and external modem and plug it into the termserver and access my lab equipment with my laptop from anywhere using a internet connection.If you know of a site...
I have several routers and a couple of switches.One router in particular is a 2511 access/terminal.I have setup reverse telnet so i can log in to any device on my lab. I want to be able to dial in using a modem from anywhere with my laptop to my home lab to practice on when I'm away from...
Hello group,if my routers are configured with an ip address of 192.168.x.x/24 and a host is on network 69.118.x.x can i configure a static route so that I would be able to ping the address, hopes this makes sense.
Hello group I'm studying for the CCNA and lately when I log onto my home lab and try to configure the e0 interface I get this message:Router2>en
Router2#debug all
This may severely impact network performance. Continue? [confirm]
All possible debugging has been turned on
IP arp mobility...
I'm studying for the ccnp/ccie and wanted to know if i bought the 3620 router what interfaces/network modules/lan/wan modules should i be looking for that would help in my studies of ccnp/ccie.The ios is 12.3 16f/64dram
ip/fw/ids plus ip sec/3des
Well i have a 2612 router, 3 2501's a 3524/2924 switch and a 2511 access server.I want to set up a home lab with this equipment and wanted to know what modules should i get with the 3620 to practice the different protocols and lan/wans
Hello i'm a newbie studying for networking certs, ccnp,ccie. I was thinking of buying the 3620 router to help with my studies and wanted to know if i did purchase this router what modules/interfaces should i get with it.Again its for my home lab setup.Thanks in advance happy holiday.
Would you like to sell any of them?. Other than ebay is there a website i could visit for any of the aformentioned equipment? Its the holiday season and money is a lil tight. Also do you know generally when cisco deems an item end of sale, how soon after do they change that end of sale item from...
I was wondering do you really need to purchase a 3550 switch to prepare for the ccie exam or can a lesser switch, i.e. 2950,3524,3548.This will be for my studies.I was in this forum and saw a response that says that the 3550 is at the end of sale, is this true?. Thanks
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