Turkbear & lbass,
Thanks for your assistance. Found the problem. The problem was the range. Once I changed the parameter to just a discreet, multi-variable variable, all works fine. It was the "range" variable that was causing the problem. Can do without the range, so all works fine now...
Well, that solved the previous error, now with the new wording, I get a different error. In the line
local StringVar Txt := ToText({?Parameter}[Indx]);
I change the "{?Parameter}[Indx] to "{?Priority}[Indx]"
({?Priority} is the actual name of the parameter field. The error then highlights...
Thanks again. First suggestion, still a no go due to my variable being numeric.
Second suggestion gives an error in the line:
"For Indx For i := 1 To Limit Do".
Errors on 2nd "For" saying "an assignment is expected here."
Thanks Turkbear, but when I insert the appropriate variable in your formula fo {?Parameter}, it gives me an error stating that the parameter must be a string. The actual parameter is a numeric parameter, not a string.
I have written a report in CRXI that uses a numeric parameter field named {?Priority}. The {?Priority} field is used for record selection and can be either a discreet value, multiple values, or a range. I want to add the actual values chosen as part of the page header. I have tried using the...
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