Sorry, the two PC's are not connected, I have just had this happen to two of our desktops. Just strange that it would happen to TWO computers, same make, different model. Someone else suggested trying a different slot and I will today but if that fixes it then it is HP that would/should be on...
I have seen this problem on another Kayak but it was not a XU800. Both systems have 10/100 NICs on a full duplex 100mbs ethernet network and both achieved 100mbs.They both have WinNT Wkstn 4.0 w/ sp6.Both computers worked fine for about 2-3 weeks then suddenly, the transfers of data slow down to...
You guys are the best. I have never been disappointed. PROBLEM SOLVED. It was that 'alternate directory' that was pointed toward his documents folder. I would be interested to hear how people belive that it got that way <user error?>.
Anyway, I try to answer questions that I can, and now I...
I have a user who when we open an Excel document or if we just open the application, Excel proceeds to open every document on his 'H' drive until the computer runs out of memory. If I disconnect the H drive, open/run Excel, then reconnect the 'H' drive, we can open a single document without any...
Does this happen with many different titles of software or one particular one?
The fact that you can watch videos says loads about speed, transfer of data to HD, even encoding/decoding... so this is a bit of a stumper.
If you don't mind getting dirty, and maybe have computer friends; start...
I can't seem to find the one I saw before, but here is a program from, it is free and it captures streaming audio. 'Voquette Media Manager v1.4.081RD'
I look often for fun apps, at,,, etc. You can find many cool apps for free there.
While dxd's solution will probably solve your problem, it may look a little intimidating... even though I am looking forward to trying it myself.
On your problem, are you sure that fdisk does not see a 'non-dos' partition? Delete that if that's the case. And it should work fine. I know it's...
This almost seems too simple, so forgive me if I am wrong. Can you not navigate to whatever/any page you want, then in IE goto Tools/Internet Options; Under 'Homepage' either click 'Use current' (this is the page you are currently viewing) or type in the url you want.
I hope that is all you...
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