How would I convert a string of a sum (e.g. 2+5) into its actual mathmatical answerv (e.g. 7). Just making a quick calculator app and I am stuck here. Any help appriciated
Louis Hill
Version 6.0 had a web browser in it and was where the project comes from. (check , on the free videos, in the programming section, VB6.0 basics, it shows how to make a fully functional webbrowser in 5mins). So to clear my question:
I am looking for the VB (2005 edition)...
No, why would I make a webbrowser in, used for web applications (run over the net). One of the first projects you make in is make a web browser. All I want is how to get a % loaded of a web page from the WebBrowser Component.
Louis Hill
How would I go about retriving the currently loaded amount of a web page (integer between 0 - 1000) so that it can be placed in a progress bar, currently can only get wether it is loading or not (true or false)
Louis Hill
how do you change the name of a form in code to pull part of the name from a variable (ie the title of an internet explorer)
Private Sub wbMain_DocumentCompleted(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) Handles...
Just building a first web browser (as in other posts) and I am wondering how I would make a progress bar fill as a page loads like IE. Any help appriciated
Louis Hill
New to, made a tool strip at top and had it populate its self with defaults, but the print, cut, copy and paste buttons do not actually do anything. What is the VB for this? Any help appriciated.
Louis Hill
Thanks alot, if i wasnt so busy with work I would have spent more time delving into the intelli sense thing and eventually found it. Thanks alot.
Louis Hill
How do you set a process to run on the press of the enter key, as in using a text box to run its contents when the user presses enter at the end of inputting the data.
Louis Hill
I have a Dell Dimension 3000 running a Celeron 2.66ghz so it uses PC27000 (333) DDR RAM, if I were to put PC3200 (400) modules would these just run at the lower speed and be fine as at the moment crucial sell the 3200 upgrade for around £20 less than 2700 and their memory selector recomends for...
Check your DNS settings, these are ogten not installed correctly if you used the first server wizard. It should have 4 folders within. Check this page for all you need to know (half way down is about DNS) . Also make sure...
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