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Search results for query: *

  1. Tomadams

    Error 3251 Operation not supported by this type of object.

    I put a break on the statement but I don't understand what you mean by use the tool to see what's going on in the connection. Can you explain?
  2. Tomadams

    Error 3251 Operation not supported by this type of object.

    hey skip recset.open is the highlighted code tom
  3. Tomadams

    Error 3251 Operation not supported by this type of object.

    I'm lost to see what my problem is. can some fresh eyes take a look and see what I've done. this won't open with the above error. I wrote this a couple of weeks ago. It was fine then. I have to deliver it tomorrow and it goes bizarre. Private Sub Splits_AfterUpdate() Dim RecSet As...
  4. Tomadams

    mdc file locked

    We are running Cognos 10.1.1 against a Sybase IQ database. Whenever we start the cube build we get the error message that says the mdc file is locked, The problem started when the cube build stopped when it hit the 2 gig limit. We removed the 2010 data from the input stream and restarted the...
  5. Tomadams

    Virtual View Manager displays no data for stored procedure

    I have just imported 60 stored procedures into VVM. About 12 return no data when tested in VVM. All the procedures run normally in SQL Server. I am at loss to figure out the problem with these 12. Has anyone run into anything similar I would appreciate any direction to debug this Thanks
  6. Tomadams

    Cognso 10 - How do I Open Metadata Tree

    Hi, I've been out of Cognos for a couple of years, now I've got a hurry up project in version 10. I need to see the metadata tree in the insertable objects pane. How can I access it. I've been trying for a couple of hours now
  7. Tomadams

    Using Case in a Where clause of stored procedure

    Gotit to work this way: (case when @DateType = 'Date1' then ([filename].[Date1] when @DateType = 'Date2' then ([filename].[Date2] when @DateType = 'Date3' then ([filename].[Date3] when @DateType = 'Date4' then ([filename].[Date4] end) between @StartDate and @StopDate Thanks folks!
  8. Tomadams

    Using Case in a Where clause of stored procedure

    I have a situation where my customer wants to run a report by any one of 4 dates. I have this in my where clause: and (case when @DateType = 'Date1' then ([filename].[Date1] between @StartDate and @StopDate) when @DateType = 'Date2' then ([filename].[Date2] between @StartDate and @StopDate)...
  9. Tomadams

    Report Studio validates every time I open a report

    Thanks, I have been doing a lot of validation of existing reports and not saving. I will do a save on exit and relieve myself of the pain. thanks for the insight
  10. Tomadams

    Reportnet returns no data

    Got it Thanks
  11. Tomadams

    Report Studio validates every time I open a report

    This is a pain in the @#$@#$. Report Studio validates every report every time I open it. I am at a new site and no one can tell me why this happens. Any ideas on how I can get it to only validate after the package has been updated? thanks if you can.
  12. Tomadams

    Reportnet returns no data

    I have a parameter ddrive report in COGNOS 8. the data source is a stored procedure with prompts. the SP test good in SQL SERVER and in Framework, but Reportnet returns not data for any paramter except Start Date to End Date. Any thoughts are appreciated
  13. Tomadams

    Content Manager is unable to access the content store.

    I have the same issue using Cognos 8.4 and SQL Server 2008. I have validated the port as haripali suggested and still I cannot make connection. Any thoughts. this is critical and highly visible. thanks
  14. Tomadams

    Can you take a mintue and look at this simple query for me?

    Nope. I am just testing outside as a query ouside of a stored procedure
  15. Tomadams

    Can you take a mintue and look at this simple query for me?

    I know this must be simple, but I can not see it. Why are all my Insert field names flagged is invalid?? Thanks Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 17 Invalid column name 'AmtPaid'. Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 18 Invalid column name 'PaidFuelAmount'. Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 19...
  16. Tomadams

    Cube build .bat file gets TR3108 error

    If I delte the user class from the pyi file, the bat file works. Could you provide a copy of placing the userid and password in the bat file? that would be great.
  17. Tomadams

    Cube build .bat file gets TR3108 error

    Here are the two txt files referenced. the stop file is first and then the start connect cor-ts-com-03 user administrator password password CD "Published Cubes" disable "DellMaster" connect cor-ts-com-03 user administrator password password CD "Published Cubes" enable "TomTest"
  18. Tomadams

    Cube build .bat file gets TR3108 error

    Here it is: REM build cube for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('DATE /T') do set Date=%%c-%%a-%%b @ECHO Updating Cube... REM Disable the cube in PPES "E:\program files\cognos\cer5\bin\ppadmtool.exe" < "stop_cubeTomTest.txt" REM Cube Refresh without saving model REM START "Cube...
  19. Tomadams

    Cube build .bat file gets TR3108 error

    I have built .bat files to auto build several cubes. the cubes can be built with a manual start. but the .bat file gets the 'TR3108 transformer could not load User class Information' error I know that this may be because of invalid access time settings for the user class in Access Manager...

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