Thank you, Ido.
My company doesn't really have a place for third party viewers in our development. I'm sure your viewer is great, just not what fits for us. It's encouraging to know that in-place drilling is possible thru code on the viewer.
I am thinking that catching the click event on...
I have a requirement to have a report drill down to detail data with a "+" sign within the same window. So instead of drilling like Crystal does, in a new window, I need to just expand to show the detail right below the summary info.
+ Group line
- Group line
Detail line
Detail line
Good to know. Thanks adain.
I went a different direction. Conditionally set the background color, make the first box transparent, then add a white box around everything else. Seems backwards, but it works.
Thanks Ido.
I tried checking the .IsBusy, but it was never false. Is there another event (instead of Section_format) that I could access that the .IsBusy would be false?
Or maybe a different approach would be to set the box.fillcolor at design to conditionally change at runtime. Only I...
I am attemping to change a BoxObject's .fillcolor in the Section_format event. I get a RTE 70 'Permission denied'. When I look up the FillColor property in the documentation, it says that it "can be written only when formatting idle". So I am thinking that the Section_format event is either...
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