I usually spend my time in the VB.Net forum as most of my time is spent with Win Apps but recently I've started creating web apps. My question is can anyone point me in the direction of a discussion thread dealing with replacing IIS 5.1 with Apache. This must have come up before...
Hello, this is some code I use to move forward and backwards throughs records. I running vb.net v2002 connecting to a SQL2000 database using intergrated security.
'Declare objects, use intergrated security to access Northwind db
Dim cnn1 As SqlConnection = _
New SqlConnection _...
Hello my again, In my MDI application I have several forms and many text boxes on each form. I have been wondering how to ensure that data entered into a text box is correctly formatted, here is my answer;
Private Sub txtContactName_Leave(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As...
Hello, I'm writing an MDI application in vb.net 2002 that connects to a SQLserver 2000 database. The child forms contain menus that allow the user to Add, Edit or Delete a record and I am using the Menumerge so that the child menu appears in the Parent window menu. I've recently downloaded some...
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