Whilst I thank you for the post, not sure how this will help. I am not trying to replicate a database just a record.
Any other suggestions?
Can anyone else help?
Is the unbound field from the form on the report as well? As if you are printing the report without the field it will be blank.
If you add an unbound field onto the report as well and as the Control Source add this [Forms]![YourFormName]![YourFormFieldName] then as long as your form is open...
Am trying to clone an existing record in a MS Access database by a the click of a button on a form. Currently experiencing two issues with my code.
The below code has an issue and advises that it cannot clone as it will cause a duplicate ID in the table where the Reference field is a...
Added a button on a form to execute your code supplied and the below works:
Private Sub cmdReplaceText_Click()
Call RemoveCrLf("zz", "txtDescription")
End Sub
Sub RemoveCrLf(TableName, FieldName)
Dim mySQL As String
mySQL = "UPDATE [" & TableName & "] SET [" & TableName & "].[" & FieldName...
Can you please explain the above code and also why I would need to pass the table and field name to the procedure. Would I not just include it in the sql statement?
Can anyone advise if there is a way to import an MS Access table which has a multi line comment field into a single lined field ie. get rid of the carriage returns on import?
I am trying to create a listbox on a form that contains a list of years based on values I have automated in an array. The first year in the list will always be 2005 and then I want to add each year after that until the current year ie. 2006. So the list should display 2005 & 2006 and next year...
I have set up an automatic import with specification for a fixed width test file using the TransferText method, however I am having problems with a primary key field.
When I manually import, Access assigns a Primary Key field giving each record a unique ID number, however when this process is...
Success! It now works!
To: mp9, RoyVidar & JerryKlms
All 3 of you have contributed to the resolution of my issue - many many thanks! It is very much appreciated and has saved me tones of heartache.
I have given you all a star!
Kindest Regards
Took out "On Error Resume Next" and set declarations as suggested with dao but getting the below error message on the "Set RS = db.OpenRecordset(sqlstr, dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)" line:
Run-time error '3061':
Too few parameters. Expected 2.
Please advise!
Checked in Tools-->References and no missing word but Microsoft Runtime was not checked, I have now checked this box and I get no error message now, however when I run it I just get the hourglass ie. seems to be endlessly looping.
There is only 184 records in the table so should not take an...
Need some help please!....
Previous developer wrote the below code which now does not work as we have upgraded to XP and now have MS Access 2003. Basically the routine outputs one record at a time to a text file with fixed field lengths, while also formatting the table fields. I also have to...
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