Can a BB user sysc his calendar with another exteranal users BB Calendar?
I have a partner who would like to somehow have is wife's BB calendar sync with his.
I dont think this is possible but thought I would ask.
I am assuming with that number of printers there are a lot of exact models?
Is this limited to a select few printers, models or all printers?
Are all the printers setup with static IPs?
Can you reproduce this issue when printing from the print server itself?
Does your Event logs should confirm...
Yes they were able to access mail as the Exch migration was done after all users and computers were migrated.
Infact we setup the new domain in 2003 and got all the trusts working with test accounts and didn't move anyone for a few days just to make sure all was fine. Didn't want to make too...
We went through a similar migration 3yrs ago from NT4 to 2003 - Exch 5.5 to Exch 2003 but I did have a consultant assist with this.
I can not remember the exact steps but I am pretty sure when you migrate user accounts, a duplicate account in the new domain is created and does not affect the...
It appears we have configured both DC's to get time from the same external source in our area (University Time Server).
I confirmed this by the cmd on both DC's
C:\>net time /querysntp
The current SNTP value is:
The member servers are as follows
C:\>net time /querysntp
We have 2 DC's and 8 Member servers and about 80 workstaions.
Can someone tell me the proper way to configure time settings for our domain.
Do we cfg 1 of the DC's to an external source and then every other computer to sync with that DC?
Or do we cfg both DC's to the same external...
I have 2 DC's or at least I thought I did.
2 DC's (2003)
8 Members servers
DC #1 - DHCP, Pri DNS, Exch2003, WINS, FileShare
DC #2 - FileShare, Doc Mgt sys, Time/Billing, PrintServer, 2nd DNS
Both DC's are catalog servers as I recall.
When I shutdown my 1st DC (with Exch2003) we...
Is there a way to limit selected users so they can not directly connect to a resouce canlendar and book a meeting?
I have setup our calendars to auto accept meeting requests which is working fine but we don't want staff to use the Open other user folder and book directly because no one else can...
I have setup the folder structure below with permissions that will allow a select group of users to create and delete files only at the Clientxx level and below.
If the user were to select the folder at the A or B etc level and click delete all the files stay intact, as expected, except for...
Have that user reboot their computer, maybe there is something still connected to the folder.
I have seen where a deleted folder still appears but after some time will eventually disappear.
Can you give me some direction on where I could find some expample of the script. I am not sure on how to loop and have it go through all the folders from a specific point down.
We have serveral thousand client folders that I need to add a subfolder with the same name. eg "Prev Yr"
Is there a way to add a folder if not already present under every "Clientxx" folder?
Prev Yr
I have a public folder for incoming resumes for our HR Dept with 2 HR staff monitoring it.
It appears that only the owner receives the quota notification? Can I config the 2 HR staff to receive this notification without making them Owners as I don't want them to be modifying this folder or...
Yes we are setup as you have described.
I tested your idea assuming I am understanding. I set the delivery options--Fwd to: field to the person I would like to get notified of any changes on the resource mailbox via Server Mgr.
It appears that only email msg are fwd to the other user not...
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