I am currently learning DTS and have been building a package which is supposed to take a result set, comprising a column of numbers corresponding to a list of desired outputs. The purpose of this package is to generate multiple Excel sheets, the contents of each being the result of a Stored...
I have some code (see below) which executes a SQL Pass-Through Query which calls a stored procedure in a network SQL database. When I use the QueryDef.Connect property set to just qdf.connect = "ODBC;", the program prompts me with the expected input prompt, listing the available ODBC...
I have a dynamic SQL statement which appends a record to a local Access table. This is the statement:
INSERT INTO tbl_Scoring_Results (DPS_Num, Svc_Request_Status_Date, Company, City, State, Overall_Score, Communication_Score, Professionalism_Score, Expertise_Score, On_Time_Score, Dell_Score)...
I have recently begun work on a project using MS SQL Server 2000 as a data source and am trying to understand the 'best' way to access the tables, ODBC or otherwise. How does one configure Access to use ODBC tables. I have written a considerable amount of VBA Access code and am pretty familiar...
Thanks PHV. Do you have any sample code for implementing a Connection object to SQL using DAO syntax? Also, If I use a ADOB connection, must I then use ADOB syntax to access the data contained therein?
Now the question is "How do I reference an instance of the collection by its text key? I'm not able to do so using
Debug.Print SvcTags("15VKF91").SvcTagID ... for example.
Now the collection appears to contain the correct number of oSvcTag Objects with the corresponding properties assigned correctly. The issue I now have is that while a "For Each Item in SvcTags" loop works, my attempt to use the index value either the 'jth' item or by using the text key...
Okay, I follow you on the possible confusion about key values versus the inherent index number, so I made a change to add a text key value. Now, however, when I iterate through the collection, or try to, I'm only getting the value of the last record's SvcTagID property.
Public Sub...
I have a Collection Object called SvcTags to which I add a number of class objects called oSvcTag. The code executes fine in adding items to the collection, however, When I try to iterate through the collection of objects in a later step of the Procedure to view properties of the instantiated...
What I'm saying is that the query qryD3_Install_Data does not have a field called [Item Num]. Here is the SQL for that query, you'll note there is no such field.
SELECT DISTINCT D3_TAG_Data.[Link Number] AS [Link #], D3_TAG_Data.[Customer Number] AS [Customer #], D3_TAG_Data.PO AS [PO...
This is the SQL code for the "master Query":
SELECT DISTINCT qryD3_Install_Data.[Link #], qryD3_Install_Data.[Order #], qryD3_Install_Data.[Customer #], qryD3_Install_Data.[PO #], qryD3_Install_Data.Category, PFR_Date_Range_List.PFR_Name_Common, qryD3_Install_Data.[Sub Category]...
I have inherited a database which uses numerous nested queries to execute business logic. In drilling down into the database I have identified some of the logic in the queries, which is implemented using IIf() functions to test the values of fields in the underlying queries/tables against each...
Use the column width property set to 0" for any columns you wish to hide. Note the Columns number from 0 to ColumnCount minus one. See the Column Property in the VBA help screen you access from the VBA editor screen. You reference the value in the nth column with the Column(n).
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