The following query makes a table called "tbl Invoices". The query prompts for the values for "From", "To" and "Threshold". The problem is that when the table is created, the field type for these 3 fields is set as "Binary", which means I can't do any calculations in subsequent queries using...
I have the following query which selects the top 25 records based on the
"Random" field.
SELECT TOP 25 [qry Invoices].ID, [qry Invoices].Period, [qry
Invoices].Gross, [qry Invoices].Random
FROM [qry Invoices]
ORDER BY [qry Invoices].Random;
The problem is that I do not always want the top...
I have a table with approx 20000 records. I have added a new field to the table and want to make the value in that field for all 20000 records =1.
I'm a relative newbie to Access and the above sounds simple but I can't find the necessary command. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I tried applying the above code to the query below to find the difference between the "Sample" field in each record, but this time it only displayed one record (the first)where there should be in the region of 1000.
SELECT A.ID, A.Date, A.Supplier, a.Reference, a.Gross, a.Sample...
I'm looking to find the diffence between sequential records in a query, and show that difference as a field in the query.
Shift Total to date Total for shift
1 1000 1000
2 1500 500
3 2100 600
6 5000 3900
The field I require is...
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