Hi RiverGuy,
That's exactly what I was looking for!
I had an inkling that a self join would be required, but just couldn't get my head around it.
Many thanks, and have a star.
The closest I've got up to now is the following, but I'm still struggling to fill in the gaps:
FROM @Seasons
LEFT JOIN @Transfers ON StartDate <= TransferDate
AND TransferDate <= EndDate
AND ( SELECT Min( TransferDate ) FROM @Transfers WHERE PlayerId = 1...
Hi All,
I have a table called Seasons, which contains a list of football seasons along with the date that they start and end. And a table called Transfers which contains a list of players along with the team that they moved from/to, and the date of the transfer:
DECLARE @Seasons TABLE( Id...
It sounds like a possible candidate for table inheritance as described here:
Hi Hongying
asp pdf is good http://www.asppdf.com/index.html
Princexml http://www.princexml.com/ is exceptional but expensive.
Both have versions that you can try for free.
Hi Ironhide,
When you display the text back to the user you should be using the inbuilt Server.HtmlEncode() function, e.g.:
s_UserString = "é"
Response.Write( Server.HtmlEncode( s_UserString ) )
All user input should be encoded in this way when written back to reduce the...
The players are given a rating initially by our general data inputters who watch the match, the results are then used in another application where a special user further refines the ratings, finally standard users get to set their own ratings.
I join on the tables twice so that I can...
Here you go Denis
|--Compute Scalar(DEFINE:([Expr1025]=CONVERT_IMPLICIT(int,[Expr1038],0)))
|--Stream Aggregate(GROUP BY:([PDMSoccerSQL2000].[dbo].[MATCHmagTeams].[Surname], [Expr1024], [PDMSoccerSQL2000].[dbo].[MATCHmagTeams].[RefNo])...
I've just had a double check George, and I can confirm that there are indeed no scans.
The operations that are taking up the bulk of the time are clustered index seeks on the TeamSquads and LineupRatings tables. I'm a bit confused about these as I thought clustered index seeks should be...
Thanks Mark,
I now have the following:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetTeamLineup]
@UserId INT,
@FixtureId INT,
@TeamId INT
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
SELECT mt.Surname,
Hi All,
I’ve got the following stored procedure which returns a list of football players along with some simple stats (running on SQL Server 2005):
@UserId INT,
@FixtureId INT,
@TeamId INT
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from...
Check out Events and Bindings - the <key> event appears to be what you're looking for:
It looks like the problem is in that your character class:
a-z and A-Z don't cover the extended characters such as á
using \w in your character class should match these as well:
You could allow the apache user to restart the httpd service by using sudo, I don't know a great deal about the security implications this would have though.
Can you not just configure the multihomed proxy to use the second proxy as an upstream proxy?
I know in squid you add a line similar to:
cache_peer parent 3128 3130
No idea how you would get your pac file to do it though...
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