Different groups of users have different rights to the reports, but nothing outside the default Access Levels in BOXI (View, Schedule, Administrator).
It does not seem to matter which combination of user schedules or views the report instances, the parameter is always read only where it...
I have a number of CR 2008 reports published on BusinessObjects Enterprise XI (r3) with some parameters marked as "editable" for the viewer panel. All of these parameters are appearing on the panel in infoview OK, but some are marked "read only" when viewing the reports. I double check in...
Sum (fld, condFld)
Because you're putting in a condition field it's only going to summarise by grouping that field. If you take that out of your grand total formula it should summarise correctly
Sum ({CnGf_1.CnGf_1_Amount}) - Sum ({CnSmryGft_1.CnSmryGft_1_Total_Gift_amount})
Is there a better way of giving a list of the multiple values of a parameter than useing this?
StringVar Array X := {?Customers};
NumberVar i;
NumberVar J := UBound(X);
StringVar Y := "";
for i := 1 to J step 1 do(
Y := Y + X[i] + Chr(13));
I'm using CR 9 and this report I'm trying to make is... large. I've got 36 subreports all using parameter links from the main report.
When running the report in CR all the parameter links work fine but when I save it into enterprise and run it from there only the first 60 or so parameter links...
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