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Search results for query: *

  1. goodmanrAy

    Console app parent

    yes thats right cheers Andrew
  2. goodmanrAy

    Console app parent

    thanks for your reply I think I'm a litle confused! I'm running a console app (2) from another console app (1). I'm using ShellExecute, and I want the parent of console app (2) to be console app (1) I don't know how to get the handle of a console app. thanks Andrew
  3. goodmanrAy

    Console app parent

    Sorry I made a mistake Does anyone know how I can get the handle of a console app from within the console app. Like self.handle in a form. Thanks Andrew
  4. goodmanrAy

    Console app parent

    Hello Does anyone know if/how I can set the parent of a console app. I run a console from another exe and I want the console to finish when the main app closes. Any ideas Andrew
  5. goodmanrAy

    Intraweb - application mode - stateless

    Hello I have inherited an intraweb project that has been written for mobile devices. My problem is that it has been developed in application mode. Due to the nature of mobile devices (coverage issues, timeout problems) the project needs to be changed to a stateless model. Does anyone know if it...
  6. goodmanrAy

    SQL Server Developer Client Database

    Hello whosrdaddy Thanks for the reply. Yes I managed to get it to connect. Was being and idiot and misspelling the server! Cheers
  7. goodmanrAy

    SQL Server Developer Client Database

    Hello I've recreated an SQLServer database on my home pc using SQL Server Developer. I'm now trying to connect to this database using delphi. Does anyone have an idea of what my connection string should look like? As there is no server as such? Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks Andrew
  8. goodmanrAy

    Target Page?

    Sorry Guys I think I may have just realised something, I am actually using an IFrame in the main page, when the left and right pages don't get reloaded. I think I can sort it out now. Cheers
  9. goodmanrAy

    Target Page?

    Hello I'm pretty new to web development. I've created a site which uses a Microsoft Border for the top and bottom. Top holds the navigation menu for the site. I then used the "include page" component to add the left and right borders. My problem is that I only want the left and right pages...
  10. goodmanrAy

    User that has a file locked

    Hello Does anyone have any ideas on how I can find out the name of a user that has a file locked. Cheers Andrew
  11. goodmanrAy

    Replicate table onto another server

    Hello Does anyone know if it is possible to replicate a table onto 2/3 other databases on different servers. The reason: need to run a join on two tables from two different databases on two different servers. thanks Andrew
  12. goodmanrAy

    Select with If?

    Thanks That did the trick :-) Andrew
  13. goodmanrAy

    Select with If?

    Hello I am unsure if this is possible, but I'll give it a bash. I have a query select MML.ChangeID,MCCTT.ChangeToDesc from MaceMaterialLog MML Left Outer Join MaceChangesLog MCL on MML.ChangeID = MCL.ChangeID Left Outer Join MaceChangesChangeToTypes MCCTT on MCL.ChangeToID =...
  14. goodmanrAy

    Guarantee and reliable StayOnTop ?

    this may help unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs; type TForm1 = class(TForm) private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } protected procedure CreateParams(var Params...
  15. goodmanrAy

    Order By, Group By

    Yep cheers Andrew
  16. goodmanrAy

    Order By, Group By

    Hi Is it possible to Group together fields then order by a different field. e.g. I have 2 columns ID1 - ID2 A - 3 A - 4 A - 5 B - 1 B - 6 C - 2 C - 7 I want to group by ID1 but order by ID2 i.e I want out B - 1 B - 6 C - 2 C - 7 A - 3 A - 4 A - 5 in that particular order...
  17. goodmanrAy

    Add Handle Double Click for MenuItems

    Hi You could try using the OnChange event. Occurs whenever the selection has changed from one node to another e.g. procedure TForm1.TreeView1Change(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode); begin showmessage(TreeView1.selected.text); end; Cheers Andrew
  18. goodmanrAy

    which tab sheet on page control is "active"

    The ActivePage property of the page control returns the page currently displayed by the page control. Cheers Andrew
  19. goodmanrAy

    OLE internet explorer save as

    Hello I am creating an instance of internet explorer via OLE. I was wondering if anyone knows how to carry out a 'save as' on the active web page. uses ComObj; var IE : Variant; IE := CreateOleObject('InternetExplorer.Application'); IE.Visible := true; IE.Navigate('web...
  20. goodmanrAy

    Read-only problem using a frame in Excel

    Hi Skip Are you using Excel 97. I've tested it using later versions and it works fine. It's just Excel 97 where it raises an error, with me. Andrew

Part and Inventory Search
