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Search results for query: *

  1. sophie24

    Webpage-design (with swing) .. where do I start ?

    I want create a webpage with swing objects. Therefore i have learned HTML and some Java basics. Getting some data from the database and show them in a html page isnt a problem, but i dont know how to design a site like this: on the top of the page is a table with selected database objects (a...
  2. sophie24

    2 files in the same folder .. could compile only 1 of them ..

    i am not quite sure but isnt it so that java first searches the referenced class files in the same folder and if it doesnt exists it goes to the classpath ? and is there a solution for the slash/backslash problem with windows ? i have tried to compile a package but the jvm reads...
  3. sophie24

    2 files in the same folder .. could compile only 1 of them ..

    i have some code in the main class A and some in another class B. i compile class B with no problems, but if i try to compile the main class A, which has objects and methods referenced to the class B, i get allways an error. i think that i have set the path and classpath correctly and both files...
  4. sophie24

    strange .. couldnt find classes on the same folder of main-class

    please use Car instead of Auto (i had forget to change it) .. both classes are in the same folder.
  5. sophie24

    strange .. couldnt find classes on the same folder of main-class

    i have some code like this: public class Car { private static double sprit = 0.0; private Motor motor = new Motor(); public boolean isReserve = true; public Car() { sprit = sprit; } public void drive() { motor.drive(); } public void tankup(double sprit) {...
  6. sophie24

    How DENY an adress(+name, i.e everything from microsoft..)

    I want deny acces from the firewall everything which has something to do with a 'speciefied name' is it possible to configure the firewall with a wordfile or little appended program? i.e access from or to - 'microsoft', - '.bxo or .bzo', - '999.999.999.99', - 'bullsocks', - 'xyz'...
  7. sophie24

    Simple Routing problem on Suse Linux 7.3

    yes .. it works now fine .. what a great feeling .. The clients couldnt find the nameserver because i set the network properties not well!! After i set the IP adress of my provider into the DNS section of the clients machine, then it was possible to view any page from the clients browser. You...
  8. sophie24

    Ugly white lines between frames in a framset ..

    .. every frame is only a black page (maybe colored), but the main page with the framesets in the html code has height = 1 pixel white lines between the frames .. (forget to add)
  9. sophie24

    Ugly white lines between frames in a framset ..

    I have a html code like bottom and have white lines between the frames in the frameset. Can anyone help me to solve this ugly problem ? Thanks <HTML> <HEAD> </HEAD> <FRAMESET rows=&quot;100,200&quot;> <FRAME src=&quot;frame1.html&quot; scrolling=&quot;no&quot; frameborder=&quot;0&quot;>...
  10. sophie24

    LInux and IP Masquerading

    additionally i do not found any file called 'rc.local' or 'rc.firewall' on my linux machine .. just 'etc/rc.d/rc' is that ok ?!? regards sophie
  11. sophie24

    LInux and IP Masquerading

    Hi, I have tried the above commands but i couldnt go to internet with other machines in my local network. Also i tried with my client machines for example 'ping linux200', it works fine. But 'ping www.yahoo.de' doesnt run .. linux200:~ # iptables -t nat -L Chain PREROUTING (policy ACCEPT)...
  12. sophie24

    Simple Routing problem on Suse Linux 7.3

    hello again ;) .. yes, its the apache testpage which i get for every dns entry on the client machines. I hope the clients are configured as well (i have put the gateway IP adress without the port number, dont know which one or where to find it, anyway ..) i coulndt find the file rc.local (could...
  13. sophie24

    Simple Routing problem on Suse Linux 7.3

    yes, i tried from the console(on PC B+C) to ping yahoo.com or lycos.com and other internetsites and get also no response. Entering the above IP adresses from the browser switches automaticaly to the local webadress on PC-A.
  14. sophie24

    Simple Routing problem on Suse Linux 7.3

    PC_A:~ # iptables -t nat -L Chain PREROUTING (policy ACCEPT) target prot opt source destination Chain POSTROUTING (policy ACCEPT) target prot opt source destination Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT) target prot opt source destination
  15. sophie24

    Simple Routing problem on Suse Linux 7.3

    additionally i have noticed that when i use the IP adress of my provider on the PC-B its going automatically to the localhost on the PC-A.So i think that the meaning of gateway on the PC B+C runs correctly but PC-A doesnt masquerade the IP adresses .. i am not quite sure ..
  16. sophie24

    Simple Routing problem on Suse Linux 7.3

    Hello again, i got this:) PC_A:~ # ifconfig eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:00:B3:A1:52:64 inet addr: Bcast: Mask: inet6 addr: fe80::200:b1ff:fea1:5464/10 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST NOTRAILERS RUNNING MTU:1500...
  17. sophie24

    Simple Routing problem on Suse Linux 7.3

    Hello ifincham, thank you for your great help about network classes .. :) but it doesnt work fine .. i have done everything what you wrote but i am not sure about my settings: (Gateway entries of the NT machines) IP Subnetmask (Gateway IP
  18. sophie24

    Simple Routing problem on Suse Linux 7.3

    i have also forget to thank for every help regards sophie
  19. sophie24

    Simple Routing problem on Suse Linux 7.3

    I have forget to add that 1. 'rcroute restart' runs without errors 2. on booting up the system i get one message like: Starting lpd2002-19-01 ... 'Get_Local_Host' Iocalhost IP adress not availible! ... but Starting Routing and httpd is ok and i can view the local webserver from the other...
  20. sophie24

    Simple Routing problem on Suse Linux 7.3

    Hello I have a Linux Computer (PC A) and 2 NT Computers (PC B+C). Additionally i have a 56k modem installed and configured Samba on Linux and all Computers are connected well in the network. PC A: IP Subnetmask (Routing PC) (IP-Forwarding = Yes) PC B: IP...

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